Fishing Report

picabo angler
Hwy 20 in Picabo (208)788.3536

The latter part of April signals a time of transition on our local fisheries. Silver Creek, the Big Wood River, and the South Fork Boise River below Anderson Ranch remain closed and re-open on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. The lower Big Lost River is open all year, but it won’t be long before flows increase to “summer levels” and render the river unfishable for several months. Steelhead season on the Salmon River is winding down (closing at the end of April), and fish are concentrating on spawning areas on the upper river around Stanley. While the fishing in local rivers wanes, our area stillwaters come into their own, providing a great change of pace and some outstanding fishing opportunities.

Magic Reservoir can yield some incredible fishing. Now is the time to check out areas like Myrtle Point, the Narrows, Hot Springs Landing, and the bay at the dam. Don’t forget your leech patterns and Clouser Minnows. You never know whether you’ll catch a rainbow, brown, or smallmouth on your Magic outings during the spring! In addition, Carey Lake, Little Wood Reservoir and Fish Creek Reservoir all provide good fishing opportunities for the next two months.

The Big Lost River below Mackay Reservoir remains open to fishing, and flows have remained stable at about 110 CFS. The fish are seeing a bit of pressure and have become somewhat finicky, so take your Silver Creek tactics if fishing on the Big Lost. Look for midge and BWO activity on most afternoons, and remember to give spawning trout and their redds a wide berth.

The Little Wood River between Carey and Richfield is fishable and is a good option for anglers who need to wet a line. Small streamers are the way to go here; olive, black, and brown woolly buggers or a small sparkle minnow is all you need.

Now is a great time to go through your gear in preparation for Opening Day on Silver Creek. Don’t neglect your fly lines, leaders, tippet, etc. Taking the time now to replace old or damaged gear will ensure that you don’t lose the brown trout of a lifetime during the Brown Drake hatch! Here at Picabo Angler, new product arrives daily. Give us a call or stop by the shop to check out what’s new, or to stock up on your favorite flies and gear.

Happy fishing, everyone!