Hailey Seeks Arts Commission Members, ASAP

Muralist Bobby Gaytan (far left) poses with W.A.T.E.R Club and Hailey Climate Action Coalition members in front of the artist’s freshly completed Hispanic heritage mural alongside the Jane’s Artifacts building in downtown Hailey. A ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held Sept. 26 in front of the mural.

The City of Hailey is asking residents to consider joining the Hailey Arts & Historic Preservation Commission. Specifically, the city is seeking two volunteers interested in serving on the commission for three-year terms starting immediately. Applicants must be Blaine County residents for two years and shall be a resident of the City of Hailey at the time of appointment.

Successful appointees must remain a resident of Hailey during the term of his or her membership. Responsibilities include attendance at one regularly scheduled meeting per month and other assigned tasks to assist the commission in providing leadership, advocacy and support for the arts and history in Hailey.

Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest and/or a resume to the City of Hailey, 115 Main St. S., Ste. H, Hailey, ID 83333; fax to (208) 788-2924; or email robyn.davis@haileycityhall.org.