Are You A Floater Or A Swimmer?



Abraham Hicks tells us: The Basis of Life is Freedom, The Purpose of Life is Joy, And the Result of Life is Growth. Wow!!! This makes so much sense to me and has certainly been my experience.

Freedom of thought is the gift of being human; we get to choose our own truth and what actions we will take in response to our truth. Freedom is a feeling of being able to be authentically you without interference from outside sources. It is at the basis of our wellbeing. When we are authentically who we are and we accept ourselves without needing to judge ourselves as being right or wrong, we just chose to love our life, our relationships, nature, all that is as long as no harm is being done physically, emotionally or mentally.

I have had the opportunity to become aware of how my choices affect others and I have come to know that it is best if you choose for your authentic self. Not everyone will love your choices, and life can get pretty messy when not everyone loves the choices you make. This is where courage comes in. Do you love yourself enough to be who you are even when others might reject the actions you choose to take? This is not easy and can cause emotional turmoil for yourself and others.

It seems that our world is currently trying to figure out how to be the best environment for each of us and everyone is on a different page as to what that looks like. So, the only answer I have found is to go to the second truth that “Life is a gift, the purpose is Joy.” How do you find joy when emotional turmoil rears its ugly head? Go outside!! Sit with a tree or talk to a rock, love your dog, horse, cat, or any other pet you might have. It takes your focus off the turmoil and into peace.

Be creative… something that takes your whole attention. The energy dissipates around the turmoil and you can reside in a place of peace. Use essential oils that release trauma. According to studies at New York University, the amygdala gland (the gland in the limbic system of the brain that stores and releases trauma in the body) does not respond to sound or sight or touch, but only releases emotional trauma through the sense of smell. This comes from a book by Carolyn L. Mein, D.C., called “Releasing Emotional Patterns With Essential Oils.” Oils are listed for particular emotional release and seem to work very well.

So, that brings us to our third truth, “The result is growth.” Unfortunately, growth can be painful. We don’t always learn when things are going smoothly. My sister-in-law tells me some people in life are swimmers, others are floaters.  We as a populace are being challenged with deciding to be floaters or swimmers in life. The choice is yours, but much reward comes from choosing to be a swimmer in your own life. What brings you joy? Give it to yourself as often as possible. The more aware we are of what brings us joy, the greater will be our growth and freedom. Choose to uplift yourself and others. Blessing to all of us. Dove