


I have decided that trees are especially important in my life. Connecting with a tree is one of the most peaceful things you can do. Did you know that an aspen grove is one of the largest organisms on the planet? The aspens all communicate with each other. Trees that are healthy actually support other trees that are not so healthy. You may think this is all fantasy but research has shown this to be true. Even if you think it is not true, it is a wonderful concept of how to live in peace and harmony with each other.

If we all took the time to give of our energy to the earth, animals, water, plants and each other, we would not have any need to be ruled by forces that don’t have our best interest at heart. We could all choose to be kind—that’s all, just choose to be kind.

I have a grove of aspen trees in my yard and I have placed a bench right in the middle. I lean my back against one of the trees, take a deep breath and share it with the aspens, running my energy all the way into the earth and roots of the trees. I then visualize that energy spreading to all other trees and they light up with health. Then, I see all the animals receiving the light from the roots of the trees. They are nurtured and feel the blessings. I then see all the waters purified and the oceans healed with love. I end this vision or meditation by seeing myself out in space looking at planet Earth alive with the light of love. Everything is alight with energy, peace and love. I do this every day; it is especially delightful when the sun is shining on my face.

My husband has cleared a path with the snowblower to my place in the trees. He doesn’t even think I am weird anymore for taking the time to do this journey. What a long journey it has been. I was stressing about what more I could do to uplift the planet so that humanity could also be uplifted in this time of chaos and this is what my soul came up with.

You might give it a try with the intention of joining with all persons and bringing them light and love. We can change the reality of chaos to that of peace and abundance if we all just make a little daily effort. PEACE BE WITH YOU. Dove