Emotions & Truth



This week has caused a lot of emotions to surface for many of us. Some of us are elated at the situation and others of us reside in disbelief. That begs the question, where does truth lie? Who do we believe and trust when we feel we have been lied to over and over.

There is a line from my favorite movie, Secondhand Lions,” with Robert Duvall, Michael Caine and Haley Joel Osment. In this scene, Haley asks Robert Duvall if all the stories Michael Caine has told him are true. Robert Duvall replies, “Does it matter? There comes a time when you must choose what you want to believe.”

We are at that kind of juncture now. What do we want to believe? Do we just go on and pretend that everything is normal, just let us get on with our lives, or do we take a stand for our truth? Our truth can only come from ourselves—we are the ones that must know what our truth is and then support it. It does not matter what we are told; the truth lies within our hearts.

I believe that most of us want the same things—good health, good family, laughter, fun, enough money, decent shelter, fairness and justice for each person and, most of all, peace. How do we achieve those concepts? Well, first we must take stock of our own beliefs and correct those that do not represent our truth. Then we must live them with our whole hearts. We must represent the realities we wish to see implemented. We must have the courage to stand for that which we believe in.

If you can, help those that have need. Give of your service, or finances, or food. See where you can help. Do we need a government to instruct us how to be a good neighbor? I don’t think so. I know in my neighborhood there are many different political beliefs but it does not matter. If my snowblower doesn’t work, my neighbor clears my driveway or puts back my garbage can if I am gone. They water my garden and plants in the summer. I share with them when I bake and watch their house when they are gone. We all want the same freedoms to be who we are.

I will always be on a different planet emotionally and spiritually than a lot of people I know, but I can allow them to be who they are because that is their choice. Let us open our hearts to our own truth and then live that truth. Pray for goodness to be the dominant emotion and live from your heart. Take a lot of vitamin H (Hope) and believe with all your being that our country and freedoms will prevail. Dove