New Year’s Resolution

Woman making to-do list on 2021 year at table


Happy New Year to each of you. I literally felt a sign of relief from the Universe as 2020 moved into the past. The year brought challenging situations to all of us, whether you were solving health issues, financial or relationship issues. No one got off for free.

However, there is one issue I think needs to be looked at because, from my perspective, it is still the biggest issue to overcome, and that is the virus of fear that pervades the planet. I believe fear is an energy that is purposely energized by those who want to control humanity. I remember going through my greatest fear many years ago when all my issues seemed to be coming to the front and overflowing. Most of my issues were connected to “doing God the right way.” Religion had greatly confused me and did not help. I deeply believed in God but not the dogma connected to religion. I had no fear of death, but I thought there must be at least one Universal Truth that I could understand and peace would fill my soul. I could no longer try to find and follow all the “right” rules.

In my state of confusion, I said to God, “You have to take my life or take the fear because I cannot live this way. I would rather die than live in fear.” With the surrendering of my fear, it was taken away. I became at peace. That peace that passes understanding filled my soul. I was no longer afraid of doing everything right and needing to please everyone. I got to choose my own path, the one that felt right to me.

From that point on, my life smoothed out, abundance flowed, health was great, relationships at peace. So, my wish for you this year is to make a resolution to give up fear in its entirety. It is the most freeing thing you can do. Trust you will be in the right place at the right time. Practice listening to your intuition; it will guide you and it will always be kind. Do not let anything fill you with the energy of fear. Fear will always defeat you. Fear stresses your immune system and disrupts your ability to manifest that which you want. Look at your belief systems. Are you a slave to the system? Are your beliefs rooted in fear or are they “your truth?”

Give up fear (False Evidence Appearing Real). Give yourself permission to be your authentic self and make the decision to enjoy your life. There is God in all of us. Connect to that part of yourself. Let this be your New Year’s resolution. Do your inside work!

Lovingly, Dove