Welcome To The 5th Annual Cocktails For A Cause!



This year we are proud to present our annual fundraiser in a virtual format so everyone can enjoy in whatever way they choose. You can watch the program live from the comfort of your couch.

During COVID, we have successfully kept our seniors safe and nourished at home and more recently re-engaging with each other at the center. The need for our services has grown by 420 percent during this time and we need your support now more than ever!

It’s easy to participate. Visit the event website: cocktails.afrogs.org (no need to type www!) or text the word “seniors” to 22454 to have the link sent to your phone.

Register on the website to be able to donate and also be entered to win a season ski pass from Sun Valley Resort!

On the evening of Oct. 14, there will be a button on the website to view the live event.

You can donate on the website, or by calling The Senior Connection that night like an old-fashioned telethon, or we always accept checks in the mail.

If you would like more details on how to donate on the website, simply ask a staff person for a flyer or visit the blog on our regular website, www.seniorconnectionidaho.org/blog.

We hope you will join us as we celebrate our seniors!