From Fear To Faith

Family holding Earth in hands. Elements of this image furnished by NASA


What if we gave up all of our fear? What if we were no longer afraid of the coronavirus? What if we no longer had a fear of death, which is our greatest fear?

What if we were no longer afraid of climate change destroying our planet? What if we got so tired of being afraid of doing God wrong or not following all the rules that we just gave up the fear and lived in the immediate moment? What if we just looked at humanity and asked them to be, just be, at this time? What if we just took time to step out in nature and hug a tree, to pet a bumble bee or a hummingbird that sees us as a flower? What if all the media stories were seen as nothing but someone’s imagination and not a story you want to participate in?

What if you could just stop and decide what you want to experience and then create that? What if you gave up being a victim of any kind and moved into your own creative power? It is time to do this now.

Many years ago, when I was so afraid of doing God wrong, I decided that there were too many rules for me to understand and to follow and too many people to please, so I followed my heart and reduced the rules to one simple rule: treat everyone as I would like to be treated and take responsibility for all of my creations.

The coronavirus has brought us to the point of facing all of our fears. Fear is now at the surface of our lives. We are at choice as how to handle this level of fear. Do we let it consume us, or do we take charge of our emotions and decide to let go of the fear? It is your choice as to where you place your focus.

If we all moved beyond our fear, the planet would change instantly into a place of health, abundance for all of nature and humanity, climate change could be resolved because we all would take care of the waters, the animals, the plants and, most of all, each other. We can make this shift in consciousness.

All of our fear is at the surface and we can give it up by just caring for each other. You can only be manipulated if you hold onto some type of fear. Take back your power of choice and give up being a slave to anyone’s belief system other than your own. Be kind to all things, including yourself. Let’s do this!!!