Fishing Report

Hwy 20 in Picabo

The heat of summer is upon us and it’s time to fish accordingly. This means set your alarm for the early-morning hours and be ready to stay up late. With the heat coming up, and the water temperatures as well, the best fishing will be found in the early-morning hours.

Plan on the morning activity, like the Trico Spinner Falls, to be a constant the next few weeks, with Baetis on the tail end. The wind is the determining factor on how voracious the fish will act on any given morning. The Trico is generally showing up around 8:00 to 8:30 most mornings. This is not to say that there are not earlier bugs on Silver Creek. Finding Callibaetis and Trico Duns on the water before the sun hits the ground is not uncommon.

In the afternoons, look for Damselflies and Callibaetis on the water when the wind is down. Look for slow-moving water and weed beds to find these bugs. If the wind is ramping up for the afternoon, try fishing Hoppers; pink and yellow seem to be the dominant colors this season.

Evenings on the Creek are a constant smorgasbord of Callibaetis, Baetis, PMD and Caddis. A Rusty Spinner in several sizes will cover most of the evening rise. Hoppers and Streamers are also a great choice in the evening.

The Big Wood and Upper Lost rivers are seeing plenty of anglers—yet another reason to get on the water early. With the low water conditions and the heat coming up, the fishing should become more difficult in coming days and weeks. This means move slower, observe the water longer, make your fishing decisions more deliberate.

In the mornings, look for fish eating Tricos in the slowest, flattest water. In the evenings, be ready for Caddis hatches. These hatches should really begin to grow in size as we enter the month of August. The afternoons are all about Hopper Droppers and even some Cicada patterns.

The South Fork of the Boise is in Pink Albert and Hopper season. Fish both of these in the middle of the day. The Hopper fishing continues to improve as you approach the low-light hours. If you’re fishing the Pinks, fish the shallowest riffles. You may be surprised at how shallow the fish will move for this insect.

It’s busy out there, so everyone please be kind and respectful of one another and it will be a great day.

Happy fishing, everyone!