$5 For Farmers Is About Community



The Sun Valley Institute’s Food and Farm program, known as Local Food Alliance, is on a mission to get every Blaine County resident buying local food throughout the year. We initiated the $5 for Farmers Pledge to make spending at least $5 a week on local products a habit.

The potential impact of this small act is huge! If everyone spends just $5 each week, our regional food economy will grow by $5.7 million annually, ensuring the future of family farms and an ample supply of nourishing food for our community. Commit to spending at least $5 a week on food produced in our regional foodshed by taking the $5 for Farmers Pledge at bit.ly/5forFarmers!

“Investing in regional farms has never been more crucial,” says Lexie Praggastis, executive director of Sun Valley Institute, parent organization to Local Food Alliance. “Here in Blaine County, we are at high risk for global supply chain disruptions like those experienced during COVID-19. The vast majority of the food consumed locally is trucked. While long industrial supply chains have experienced disruptions, our independent regional food producers have shown creativity and resilience while meeting the needs of our community.”

Spending $5 a week on local food is surprisingly easy! You can discover where to purchase regionally produced foods through our Locally Grown Guide, available online at www.localfoodalliance.org/food-guide and on magazine stands around the Wood River Valley. Simply purchase one of the following items from:

  • A dozen eggs
  • A gallon of milk
  • A bag of locally grown lettuce greens
  • A few bunches of root crops
  • Three pounds of potatoes
  • One pound of ground beef

The $5 for Farmers campaign is generously sponsored by Nordic skiing legend and local food champion Muffy Ritz.

Questions? Check out www.5forfarmers.org and www.localfoodalliance.org.