Fishing report

Hwy 20 in Picabo

See you next year, brown drake…

The annual brown drake hatch on Silver Creek happened last week to the delight of local and visiting anglers. We saw our first significant numbers of bugs on Sunday, May 31, and the hatch increased in volume and duration throughout the week. It seemed that the largest emergences occurred late; drakes consistently emerged after 10 p.m. each night.

The hatch made its way quickly from the Picabo Road bridge, through Point of Rocks and the Willows, up to the Highway 20 access. Fishing was good throughout the entire stretch of lower Silver Creek, and anglers caught some exceptional fish.

The brown drake event was enjoyed by many, and folks on the river were kind and considerate of their fellow anglers. Thank you to all who stopped by the shop and thank you for making it such a great time.

The Big Wood River is dropping and flows in Hailey are at 700 CFS. The river is high and clearing, and will soon provide fishing opportunities in the softer-water side channels and braids. The green drake is coming soon, and the hatch and fishing should be exceptional.

The Big Lost River below Mackay Reservoir is at 500 CFS; the river at this flow is very high and swift, and fishing access is limited. Once flows recede in late summer, the river will be in prime shape. Stay tuned!

The South Fork Boise River below Anderson Ranch Reservoir continues to fish extremely well. Flows remain at about 1200 CFS, and at this level the river is best fished via drift boat, raft, etc. Anglers are eagerly awaiting the appearance of the Salmon Fly. These big bugs should begin showing up toward the end of this month, and you’ll want an arsenal of big, gaudy patterns to imitate the naturals. Size 6 – 10 Chubby Chernobyls in black, purple, orange, gold, and tan are great choices, as are Sofa Pillows, big Orange Stimulators, Rogue Stones, Dancing Rickys, and Water Walkers (the same colors and sizes apply). For nymphs, it’s hard to beat a black, brown, or olive Pat’s Rubber Legs, Montana Stone, or Girdle Bug in sizes 6 – 12.

Our local stillwaters provide fun fishing for a variety of species; bluegill, perch, smallmouth, and trout can be found in Carey Reservoir, Little Wood Reservoir, Magic Reservoir, and Mackay Reservoir. Black leeches, Chironomids and Zebra Midges are all staple patterns.

Happy fishing, everyone!

Picabo Angler