Resources of Blaine County’s Recovery and Resilience


Our community is resilient. That is something we’ve learned through this pandemic. Though every aspect of our lives has been affected by COVID-19, we’ve found ways to come together, to support each other, and figure out how to get through this. A foundation of Sun Valley Institute is the building of economic, ecological, and social resilience. The systems our community has put in place have been tested. We’ve had successes and we’ve been shown areas where we can build back better. That is the challenge and the opportunity moving forward, to address our immediate needs and to rebound stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever!

In response to the COVID crisis, leaders from the government, nonprofits, businesses, and faith-based communities came together to form the Blaine Recovery Committee (BRC). With Sun Valley Institute in a coordinating role, the committee is identifying and prioritizing challenges facing our recovery and seeking help to advance solutions and pursue resources for meeting our immediate needs. The goal is to reduce barriers to an effective and equitable recovery.

A key piece of the BRC’s work is, a bilingual English and Spanish site where individuals and businesses can find up-to-date information on assistance and support. The resources are updated regularly and are being supplemented by the Viva Bien 5B video series.

Viva Bien 5B is hosted by Luis Alberto Lecenda and features information-filled conversations with community leaders. Conducted in Spanish, the series addresses the challenges of virtual learning, removing the stigma of mental health support, and much more. They’re “real talk” on the issues we’re facing. The full conversations, plus some must watch clips, are available on

These resources are a community-driven effort because that’s what it means to be resilient. We’re coming together to absorb a shock, bring our community through, and emerge on the other side better prepared for the next challenge.