Peace Or Peanut Butter

Jar of peanut butter with nuts. On wooden texture.


We are in transformational times right now and we are always at option in how to proceed.  Holding our energy in a place of peace can be a challenge, and I have great compassion for those in which fear is the dominant energy. It is a very uncomfortable place to try and exist. The best cure is to deep breathe and just focus on your breath. It will calm your mind and help you feel a bit of peace.

There was a time a few years ago when my children were small and everyone around me was panicking because there was going to be a shortage of peanut butter. Nothing like the energy that is out there now, but peanut butter was important to me, as it was a staple of my children’s diet. I was concerned about the lack. I made the decision that I was going to talk with my guides about the need to “store lots of peanut butter.” My guides’ exact response was, “Inner peace is the product we are after. You take care of the inner peace, we will take care of the peanut butter.”

I made that decision to just not worry about peanut butter and, sure enough, there was never a shortage. If we can all move to that place of feeling inner peace, the virus will not have a frequency to feed upon.

The object is not to push against the virus with anger, but instead to just back our energy away from all the media hype. We have been given a reset button for the planet. This is a wake-up call that there are certain things we need to change, like not being dependent upon other countries for the supplies we can produce ourselves. Let’s focus on taking care of one another and changing how things have been done. Let’s make it in America! Let’s find out where the greed exists and choose to curtail that for all necessary products. Let’s be able to buy our drugs for the price that is available in Canada. Choose to move beyond fear and greed.

Deep breathe for as long as it takes you to come to a place of peace. I am taking time to walk two miles a day, and as I walk, I sing that song from 2003. I’m going to give you the words.

“I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony, I’d like to hold it in my arms and keep it company.

I’d like to see the world for once, all standing hand in hand, And hear the echo through the hills, Ah peace throughout the land.

I’d like to build the world a home and furnish it with love, grow apple trees and honey bees and snow-white turtle doves.”

Please, sing with me as loud as you can.

  Much love.

Life is a gift. The purpose is joy. Find yours!