The Urgent Importance Of Resilience



We are all feeling uncertain right now. The first and most important priority is to be safe and healthy, to take care of ourselves and the ones around us. As the extent and impact of the coronavirus become more evident, the vulnerabilities of our global system are clear and building resilience within our community is even more urgent.

As we take more precautions, including by physically distancing ourselves and spending more time at home, we have the opportunity to reflect on where we are and what actions will progress new types of social connections, support each other and strengthen our community. Whether it is learning something new, addressing challenges in our lives, or having a meaningful talk on the phone, this is a time to check in, heal and rebuild. It is also a chance for us to turn our community risks into opportunity, redoubling our efforts to build resilience on all fronts.

Over our first five years, Sun Valley Institute has advanced resilience by convening our community to identify our greatest risks and opportunities, identify specific projects to advance together and by building our own programs to transform our food and energy systems, critical sectors for our resilience. Together we are surfacing the system we need, one that is more local, more healthy, and more secure, a system that benefits us and the natural environment upon which our quality of place depends. In a time of rapid change, building self-reliance and stronger community fabric is urgent work.

Out of this crisis, we can emerge better equipped to handle future emergencies by increasing independence locally, building stronger bonds within our community, and advancing the work of protecting our quality of place for now and forever. Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay connected and inspired.