We’ve got about three weeks left to fish our local waters, so now is the time to get out and enjoy some of the season’s best fishing.
Reports on the South Fork Boise River below Anderson Ranch Reservoir have been very good lately. Midges, Skwalas and BWOs have all made an appearance in the past week, and the dry-fly fishing has been excellent. Nymphing remains extremely productive, as well. Flows are still at 300 CFS, so fish can be found in all the typical winter water—heads and tails of pools, current seams, eddies, and foam lines.
Fishing on the Big Wood River is about as good as it gets right now. There have been lots of bugs (midges) in the afternoons, and plenty of rising fish. Nymphing and streamer fishing has also been hot. The fish are very willing!
With sections of Silver Creek remaining open until the end of the month, anglers are blessed with the opportunity to spend time stripping streamers, swinging leech patterns, and fishing midge imitations to rising rainbows and browns on our favorite fishery. The current weather trend has signaled great fishing on the Creek.
Taking a drive through Craters of the Moon and hitting the lower Big Lost River has been a good bet lately, as well. Again, midges are the ticket, but as the month progresses, the river will see more BWOs. Be prepared!
Rainbow trout in many of our area waters are staging up to spawn. As March progresses, fish will begin digging redds and depositing eggs. Keep an eye out for spawning activity. Look for light-colored, circular depressions in the stream gravel, and give these fish a wide berth. Careless wading around spawning redds can destroy eggs and cover the redds with silt. Let the fish do their thing in peace!
We’ve got only 75 days until Opening Weekend on May 23, so stay tuned to Picabo Angler social media for updates on our Opening Weekend Party. It’s going to be bigger and better than ever!
Happy fishing, everyone!