Waiting To Be Rescued



There is not one of us on the planet who has not wanted to be rescued from aspects of our life at some time or another. We play that “if only” game with ourselves. If only I had more money or a relationship or a better relationship. If only I were thinner or had bigger boobs. If only my parents had done things differently, my life would be better. I would not be suffering now.

I have come to know that I am the person that must rescue myself. As a matter of fact, I am the only person who can rescue me because I am the one that created each of the situations that are bringing me frustration. My unconscious thinking or belief systems allowed the negative outcome for whatever seems lacking in my life.

What is your self-talk like? Are you constantly complaining to yourself about your job or your boss or your relationship? Do you take negative potshots at your body? Well, just stop it unless you want more of the same energy in your life. What you think at a core level is what you are going to get. If you can train yourself to find something joyful in your life to focus your attention on, you will change your energy and change the reality you are creating.

You don’t have to be joyful about your boss, you just have to be joyful. Focus on a beautiful tree or bird. What you have done is change YOUR energy and with that you change your reality.

I was talking with a young woman who is just about to receive her Ph.D. in April. She was having a terrible time with her medical internship director because she wanted to do things her way, not the director’s way. We talked about her finding something positive about her director, even if it was just nice fingernails. Anything positive will work if you change your attitude.

She gave up needing to have it her way and looked for something to be positive about with her director. I received a text from her the next evening saying she had a wonderful day at work and thanked me for calling her on her B.S.

When you take a moment to truly look at your thoughts and determine if they are true, you can change overnight. Byron Katie is a wonderful author and has many books out. Check out “Loving What Is.” This book can change your life and help you to find tremendous peace within yourself.

Life is a gift. The purpose is joy. Find yours.