5G is potentially very dangerous and we must have a moratorium on its installation in our Valley until it is proven safe.

5G will be an addition to all of the EMF/RF (electromagnetic field/radio frequency) that we are currently being bombarded with 24/7.

Two-thirds of independently funded studies have concluded that 5G causes harmful effects at the cellular level—cancer, heart problems, suppressed immune function, brain damage and irreversible changes to DNA, etc. Even one-third of the telecom industry-funded (and controlled) studies have admitted 5G causes serious health issues. To date, there are no scientific studies proving 5G is safe!

The telecom industry appears to be using the same deceptive techniques as the tobacco industry used, stating that smoking was safe. As we all know, those claims of health safety turned out to be deceptive and outright lies.

The industry has covertly diverted approximately $1 trillion (yes, that’s a T) from landline customers’ bills which were earmarked for fiber optics. This “stolen” money is funding the 5G rollout in our Valley.

We highly encourage you to research for yourself how damaging 5G can be to you and your children. If you do, we are confident that you will join us in demanding a moratorium on 5G until it has been proven safe.

Buck Westfall
Barbara Mercer

Hailey residents