Dreams Come True!


Please join us for a presentation by Alisha Moreland-Capuia, Dream Scholar Alumna on Thursday, March 5, 6-7 p.m. at The Community Library, Ketchum.


Alisha Moreland Capuia

Alisha Moreland Capuia was a graduate of Portland, Oregon’s first “I Have a Dream” Foundation class. Alisha faced significant challenges and adversity as a young child, which she will share with our community.

With hard work and consistent support from her extended community and the “I Have a Dream” Foundation, Alisha went on to graduate high school, received a scholarship to Stanford University and continued her education at George Washington University where she received her medical degree. Alisha is a psychiatrist focused on trauma and addiction issues and will begin her tenure as associate professor at Harvard University this summer.

Alisha has a fascinating story to tell, which she will share with our community, along with a presentation on the impact of trauma on the brain, the human capacity to overcome adversity, and the power of education.

We look forward to sharing this special presentation with you, in partnership with The Community Library.

Alisha will also make two presentations to the Wood River High School student body, and will meet with community members and youth throughout the week of March 3-6.


Esta es una historia de una ex-Dream Scholar. Alisha tiene una facinante historia que compartir con ustedes. La historia de Alisha nos hace recapacitar en lo importante que puede ser la educacion en los momentos de adversidad de una persona.

Alisha  fue parte del programa “I Have a Dream”  en Portland, Oregon. Alisha durante su ninez y adolescencia sufrio muchas adversidades, pero gracias a su constante trabajo y el apoyo de ‘I Have a Dream” despues de graduarse de high school recibio una beca escolar para asistir a la Universidad de Stanford donde ella recibio su Bachelor en Ciencias. Luego asistio a la Universidad de George Washington donde termino sus estudios de medicina en siquiatria. En la primavera empezara a dictar clases en la Universidad de Harvard.

Esperamos verlos a usted y familia en esta reunion, para compartir experiencias con esta increible  visita.

Donde: The Community Library, Ketchum (Lecture Room)

Horario: 6-7 p.m.

Dia: Jueves, Marzo 5, 2020

Nuestra Voz Cuenta (Our Voice Counts) is a guest advertorial hosted by Herbert Romero and sponsored by Kiki Tidwell.