

Wed Jan 29

‘Captured In Sun Valley’

10AM / Regional History Museum / Ketchum

Regional History Museum in Forest Service Park will host the exhibit. “Captured in Sun Valley” features photographs taken for the Union Pacific Railroad publicity department during the 1940s and 1950s. These were designed to entice and excite potential guests into visiting Sun Valley for some winter recreation and relaxation.

Taizé Service

5:30PM / St. Thomas Church / Ketchum

Taizé is a weekly candlelit service of meditative silence, song and prayer. Everyone is welcome to attend. St. Thomas Episcopal Church is located at 201 Sun Valley Road.

Creative Jump In

6PM / SV Museum of Art / Ketchum

The second Creative Jump In, “On Being Thoreau,” will be led by esteemed educator and Thoreau scholar Tim Price. Price has written and presented extensively on the philosophical and conceptual roots of the American public education system, including how the Transcendentalists have influenced its curriculum, policy and reform since the 19th century. This class will be repeated in four sessions, Feb. 5 and 12, at The Center, Ketchum.

Digging Deep

6:30PM / Elephant’s Perch / Ketchum

In this free talk by Sawtooth Avalanche Center forecaster Ben VandenBos, the discussion will focus on the deep-slab cycle, and how your brain is your best tool. For details on the Digging Deep series, visit or call Amy at (307) 360-8975.

Origami Cranes And Meditation

5:15PM / Hailey Public Library / Hailey

Meditation teacher Mary Ann Chubb and Hailey Public Library adult programs coordinator Kristin Fletcher will host an evening folding origami cranes, plus a guided loving-kindness meditation. Cranes are a symbol of peace and happiness in many Asian countries and folding origami cranes is said to bring good luck. Loving-kindness meditation is a traditional Buddhist practice that’s widely incorporated into many faith and non-faith traditions. “In today’s hectic world, it’s important to take time out for quiet, reflective activities,” Fletcher said. “We’ll offer a lesson in folding beautiful origami cranes that participants can take home as well as a guided loving-kindness meditation.” For more information about library talks, call (208) 788-2036 or visit

Trivia Night

7-9PM / Limelight Hotel / Ketchum

Trivia night at Limelight Hotel every Wednesday, with drink specials and prizes for first-, second- and third-place winners. Two free games a night; teams can play both games or just one. Bring yourself and your friends for a night of games and specialty cocktails.

Wed Jan  29-Sun Feb 2

Boulder Mountain Tour

10AM / Regional History Museum / Ketchum

The four-day Nordic Town USA activities begin on Wednesday, and will climax on Saturday with the Zions Bank 47th Annual Boulder Mountain Tour, which will launch down the Harriman Trail with a field of 843 racers skiing over 34 kilometers. The 15k Half Boulder begins at Baker Creek at 11:30 a.m. Both events end across from the SNRA Headquarters north of Ketchum. Spectators can catch the elite-class finish shortly after 11 a.m. There will be a block party and awards bash at Ketchum Town Square, from 5-7:30 p.m., with food, beverage trucks, awards, and music by DJ Train. On Sunday, Demo Day at the Sun Valley Nordic Center will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Demo Day is free for all BMT participants; just bring your race bib for a trail pass. Discounted trail pass for all others is $10. Burgers, brats and veggie burgers will be available from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. For details, visit

Thu Jan 30

Snowshoe With A Ranger

11AM / Galena Lodge / Galena

Weekly Snowshoe with a Ranger tours run through March. Participants will meet on the porch of Galena Lodge, before taking a 1.5-mile, 2-hour tour exploring the history of mining at Galena Lodge and the winter ecology and tracking of the snowy landscape. Tours are free to the public of all ages. Snowshoes can be rented at Galena Lodge. For more information, call (208) 727-5000.

Conversational French

2-3PM / Community Library / Ketchum

Practice French in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. This intermediate to advanced gathering will offer the opportunity to converse and share your interest in all things French. Weekly through Feb. 13.

Winter Book Group

4-5PM / Community Library / Ketchum

The free winter book group will cover Julie Otsuka’s “Buddha in the Attic.” This group will run weekly through Feb. 27.

An Evening With Cheryl Strayed

6:30PM / Church of the Big Wood / Ketchum

The Community Library and Sun Valley Center for the Arts will present an evening with Cheryl Strayed, author of The New York Times bestselling memoir, “Wild. This event is part of The Center’s BIG IDEA project, The Bottomlessness of a Pond: Transcendentalism, Nature and Spirit. For details, visit or

Fri Jan 31 

Community Library Winter Read

4PM / Regional History Museum / Ketchum

Featured will be author Jamie Ford’s “Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet,” a novel centering on Japanese American families in the American West who were incarcerated during World War II. The Winter Read will kick off at the Library’s Regional History Museum in Forest Service Park. The read will coincide with “Righting a Wrong: Japanese Americans and World War II,” a poster exhibit courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service program. The exhibit will be on display through March 21.

Café Della Dinner & Movie

5:30PM / Café Della / Hailey

Café Della Dinner & A Movie: An evening of delicious food and fun entertainment featuring the romantic comedy “Grumpy Old Men.” Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for drinks; dinner is served at 6 p.m., and the movie starts at 7 p.m. $35 per person includes dinner & movie. Beer, wine & non-alcoholic beverages sold separately. Reservations are required. Call (208) 913-0263 or stop by the café to reserve seats.

Sat Feb 1

Tax Assistance

11AM-4PM / Community Library / Ketchum

Blaine County residents with household incomes of less than $66,000 per year can get free income tax preparation assistance beginning Saturday, Feb. 1. IRS-certified volunteers will be available every Saturday until April 11. The service will not be available on Feb. 15 due to the Presidents’ Day holiday. The preparation assistance is part of the IRS’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program and is spearheaded by local resident Courtney Noble, who ran the United Way of King County’s free income tax preparation campaign in Seattle for several years.

‘Porgy & Bess’

11AM / Bigwood4 Cinemas / Hailey

Sun Valley Opera and Metropolitan Theatres will present George Gershwin’s “Porgy and Bess, a MET HD opera from New York Metropolitan Opera. James Robinson’s stylish production transports audiences to Catfish Row on the Charleston waterfront, vibrant with the music, dancing, emotion, and heartbreak of its inhabitants. “The cast includes Eric Owens and Angel Blue in the title roles and an all-star ensemble with Golda Schultz, Latonia Moore, Denyce Graves, Frederick Ballentine and Alfred Walker. Tickets available in advance and at the door at the theater for $16.

Doors open at 10:15 a.m. for coffee sponsored by Hailey Coffee Company.

‘Girls Night Out’

8:30PM / The Mint / Hailey

“Girls Night Out, The Show” is the hottest ticket for ladies’ entertainment on the road today. The touring troupe, known for its fully choreographed performances and elaborate costumes with male dancers, artistically captures a wide range of numbers. General admission is only $32 and a limited amount of VIP packages are $50. For tickets, visit or at The Mint.

Fri Feb 1 & Sat Feb 2

‘Tiny Beautiful Things’

7PM, 3PM / Liberty Theatre / Hailey

Company of Fools will present two staged readings of “Tiny Beautiful Things,” based on the uplifting and richly funny book by bestselling author Cheryl Strayed and adapted for the stage by Academy Award-nominee Nia Vardalos. Based on Strayed’s longtime gig as Dear Sugar, a columnist on, the piece will be performed at 7 p.m. Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday. Directed by COF company artist Andrew Alburger, the cast includes K.O. Ogilvie, Chris Carwithen, Melodie Mauldin and Russell Wilson. Both performances are free, although a $10 donation is encouraged and seat reservations are recommended.

Sun Feb 2

Library Open

12-5PM / Community Library / Ketchum

The private, nonprofit Community Library will now be open on Sunday afternoons. All regular services will be available. For more information, visit

Mon Feb 3

Story Time 

10:30-11AM / Community Library / Ketchum 

Story Time, held weekly in the Children’s Library with Lee Dabney, features themed story time with high-quality children’s books, songs, and a fun craft or activity. Story Time is suitable for ages 3 and up. For more information, visit

Baby Time 

12-12:30PM / Hailey Library / Hailey

Baby Time will be held weekly for caregivers whose babies are aged 0-18 months. The drop-in program incorporates nursery rhymes, tickling and gestures to help parents teach babies language and motor skills. A registered nurse will be on hand the third Monday of each month. Details at

Tue Feb 4

Science Time

11AM / Community Library / Ketchum

Science Time is held weekly with local expert Ann Christensen in the Children’s Library’s treehouse.


7-10PM / The Mint / Hailey

Get your A-game on for a night of fun competition at The Mint’s weekly table-tennis nights. Bring a friend, eat some dinner, and grab a drink. The action gets hot. For more information, call (208) 788-6468.

Cancer Support Group

5:30-6:30PM / St. Luke’s Clinic / Hailey

This information and support group will provide a connection to other people who have been diagnosed with cancer. Occupational therapist Kristin Biggins will do a yoga demonstration, and discuss lymphedema, a common side effect of cancer treatments. Call prior to attending first time, (208) 727-8733.

English As A Second Language

6-8PM / Community Library / Ketchum

Free English as a Second Language for adults, cada martes. Abierto a todos los idiomas que quieren aprender ingles o mejorar sus habilidades. ¡Gratis! Open to adults of all languages who want to learn English or improve skills. \

Trivia Night

7:30PM / Sawtooth Brewery / Ketchum

Games are free to play and are for everyone who likes to play games and win stuff. Each night there will be two games consisting of three rounds each. All ages are welcome.


Thu Jan 30

SV Opera Benefit

7:30PM / The Argyros / Ketchum

A special concert to benefit Sun Valley Opera starring Judith McQueen and the Alan Pennay Trio. A well-known local catering chef, McQueen is as talented on the stage as she is in the kitchen. A contralto with more than 12 years as a performer, McQueen launched a second career of 30 years as chef with her business, Judith McQueen Entertaining. For tickets, visit or call (208) 726-7872.

Thu Jan 30-Mon Feb 3

Limelight Music

6PM / Limelight Hotel / Ketchum 

In the Lounge, enjoy free live musical entertainment with Aaron Davis on Thursday and Friday. Casey Kristofferson, will play on Saturday, and on Monday, Charlie Sutton will play. The family-friendly lounge also offers a play room for families to enjoy.

Fri Jan 31 & Sat Feb 1

River Run

2:30-5PM / River Run Lodge / Ketchum

After a lively day on or off the mountain, enjoy live après-ski music in the lodge every weekend. On Friday, Charlie & the Changelings will play, and on Saturday, The June Bugs will entertain. There is no cover and everyone is welcome.

Music At Whiskey’s

9PM / Whiskey Jacques’ / Ketchum

Music at Whiskey’s will feature Jensen Buck, alt-country/Wyoming, on Friday. Doors open at 9 p.m. $7 entry at the door. June Bugs, pop and folk from Portland, Ore., will perform on Saturday. Doors open at 9 p.m. $5 entry at the door. For tickets, visit or at the bar.