Labrador retriever survives pre-Christmas mauling

By Eric Valentine

A Labrador retriever north of Hailey is the latest victim of a mountain lion attack. And while the dog did manage to survive its injuries, residents should be keeping a watchful eye on their pets, Fish and Game officials warn.

Fish and Game officers received a report right before the Christmas holiday about a mountain lion attack on a Labrador retriever that occurred Saturday, Dec. 21, north of Hailey. According to Fish and Game, the homeowner reported letting his dog out about 6:15 that morning, then shortly after, hearing loud noises in his backyard. The homeowner immediately checked and found a mountain lion attacking his dog in the unfenced backyard. Shortly after the homeowner confronted the lion, it let the dog go. The dog received injuries in the attack, but survived and is back home with its owners.

This is the fifth reported mountain lion attack on dogs in the Wood River Valley over the last week. Three dogs have died due to these attacks. And last week, Fish and Game officers shot and killed a mountain lion that was hiding under the deck of a home nearby one of those attacks.

Mountain lions typically prey on elk and deer, but will opportunistically take other animals when they are present. Elk and mule deer have become year-round residents of the Wood River Valley, which is seemingly increasing the number of predators throughout the area.

According to Senior Conservation Officer Brandyn Hurd, “This attack occurred in an area with a known herd of mule deer, which might have brought the lion into close proximity to this neighborhood.”

Residents and visitors to the Wood River Valley are reminded to be vigilant and aware of their surroundings, especially during the early morning and evening hours. Here is a list of recommendations for keeping your animals safe:

Wood River Valley residents and visitors should immediately report any encounter that results in an attack to the Magic Valley Regional Office of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game at (208) 324-4359 during business hours. If after hours, local conservation officers can be reached by calling the Citizens Against Poaching (CAP) hotline at 1-800-632-5999. Reports can also be made to the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office at (208) 788-5555.

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