Fishing Report

Hwy 20 in Picabo

The fish have been taking advantage of this nice weather we’ve had over the last couple of days, and with more like it in the forecast, the fishing should continue to be good. The afternoons and evenings have been the best for fishing lately, so start a littler later and fish until the sun leaves the water, as this could be the best time of the day.

Silver Creek is fishing fantastic! The mornings have been slow for bug activity but the afternoons have been seeing large hatches of Baetis, Mahogany Duns, October Caddis and some Midges mixed in. Take a minute to watch the bugs floating downstream and the rise forms of the trout. Determine if the bug you see floating on the surface is actually the bug they are eating. This is a simple way to greatly improve your success.

Staying out until the sun leaves the water can be some of the best fishing of the day; one can expect to see all the bugs listed above in one life stage or another. Make sure to keep an eye out for cleaned gravel and spawning fish.

The Big Wood River is an awesome choice right now. There has been plenty of Baetis around in the afternoons and we are seeing more and more fish targeting Midges toward the evening. These fish will sit in slower water and will most times target the pupa, or emerger, over the adult. A great technique is using a dry dropper rig with a Parachute Adams and a Midge emerger like a Tie-Down Midge dropped below it. This can be a very effective setup to use all the way through the winter months, as well.

The Lower Lost is fishing great! There have been big hatches of Baetis in the afternoons and quite a few Midges as well. The nymph fishing has also been fantastic. Tight lining small tungsten nymphs in the faster water or putting them under an indicator in the slower water can produce great results.

The South Fork of the Boise has been seeing plenty of Baetis in the afternoons, along with some Midges in the evenings. We are also seeing more and more October Caddis starting to show up. If you are there earlier in the day before the hatches start, the nymph fishing has been good. Try a heavy Stonefly pattern and a small Midge under an indicator. Fishing a streamer when nothing else is going on is also a good option.

This is a fantastic time of the year to be on the SF!

Happy fishing, everyone!