Join Us To Build The Future We Want!


By The Sun Valley  Institute Team

This week, the Sun Valley Institute’s 5th annual Sun Valley Forum, “The Future We Want: Transforming Leadership, Accelerating Innovation and Unlocking Imagination,” will feature three days of learning, connection and action, with a focus on four key areas: transforming the food system, transforming the energy system, investing for resilience, and communicating for impact.

The program aims to accelerate the building of a healthy, secure and thriving world with diverse speakers: from filmmakers to the insurance industry, from innovators to artists, and from military leaders to investors. In addition to the main stage, join us for Innovation Laboratory working sessions on Wednesday, 4:30 to 6 p.m., on Transforming Energy and Transforming Food & Agriculture, as well as for a Thursday working lunch on Building Rural Resilience and on Coasts, Islands and Oceans. Finally, we will be taping live on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. the Political Climate podcast presented by the USC Schwarzenegger Institute.

Forum and single-day passes are available online and at the Argyros Performing Arts Center from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Scholarships are available. Learn more at

There are FREE PUBLIC activities, too!

Tour Innovative Vehicles from Idaho National Laboratory @ Forest Service Park

Bus and security (police, fire) vehicle designed for maximum efficiency

Virtual Reality with Conservation International @ Limelight Hotel Lobby

Valen’s Reef about life in the oceans

Under the Canopy about the Amazon rainforest

My Africa featuring Kenyan wildlife and communities

Bid on Art Auction to Fight Poverty & Plastic Pollution @ Argyros Lobby

Join in to end plastic pollution: Think ahead, act now!

Let’s end single-use plastic in our community with special S’well reusable bottles! Join us @ Argyros Lobby

Public FREE Screening: THE BIGGEST LITTLE FARM @ Argyros Tierney Theater, July 24 @ 7:30 P.M.