Recent Abduction Attempt Keeps Residents On Alert


By Eric Valentine

A June 20 attempted child abduction in Jerome County is keeping area residents north of Twin Falls on high alert, too. The Lincoln County Information News and Events page saw a community go into action Monday afternoon after a resident posted that she spotted a white van and two men fitting the description of those who tried to kidnap an 8-year-old boy in the 200 block of Seventh Avenue West in Jerome.

A post by Alicia Sage said that two men were drinking beer in a white van along a road many children walk along and warned people to be on the lookout. It kicked off a 14-comment thread that had some folks alarmed.

“Sex trafficking is a huge problem in these areas. More than people know,” wrote another person on the thread who said a similar description of two men in a van had been spotted in Burley.

According to comments on the rest of the thread, it appears the men in the van may have been Kirby vacuum salesmen selling without a permit. The result was Sage hoping she did the wise thing. Apparently, she did.

“We found them within five minutes of you calling, so we wanted to say thank you,” wrote Austin Smith, a City of Shoshone employee.

Better Safe Than Sorry

In each suspicious incident, it was two men in a white van—first reported in Jerome, and now being spotted in Shoshone. So it’s not overreacting for Blaine County residents to keep an eye out, too.

Law enforcement officials, including the FBI, make it clear that parents should err on the side of safety when suspicious individuals are seen lurking, especially around places kids frequent or pass by. Calling 911 is step one, but preventing an abduction situation is paramount. For example, parents should give children a password or secret phrase that an adult must say before a child can talk to them.

If a child goes missing, contact your local police or sheriff’s office, but don’t stop there.  Also request that your child’s name be entered into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) computer database. The nearest FBI field office is in Salt Lake City and can be reached at (801) 579-1400.