Focus On Food & Farms At The Sun Valley Forum


By Sun Valley Institute Team

In just two weeks, global leaders will join our community to accelerate action toward a healthy, equitable, and resilient world. The 5th Annual Sun Valley Forum, July 23-26, 2019, will build transformative leadership, accelerate innovation, and unlock imagination for our changing world. Each year, food and farming leaders from across the world are invited to showcase their work and to inspire ours.

Food is a powerful lever to solve our global challenges. Industrial, conventional agriculture is highly concentrated, centralized and a major source of environmental harm, but regenerative agriculture can be a major solution to our climate and community challenges and deliver prosperity for our farmers and rural communities. Healthy soils nurtured by regenerative practices absorb carbon and hold water better, resisting drought and helping to prevent floods, delivering greater productivity and resilience. Regenerative agriculture can build rural economies and help to stabilize our climate.

On Wednesday, July 24, hear how innovators and advocates Dr. Cristine Morgan of the Soil Health Institute, Robyn O’Brien of Replant Capital, Ted Robb, founder of New Barn Organics, Jin Yang of the Boise Co-op, Dayna Gross of The Nature Conservancy and Renske Lynde of Food System 6 are transforming our food system to be a powerful force for human and environmental health and community prosperity.

On Wednesday afternoon, the Forum’s Innovation Laboratory will focus on Transforming Food & Agriculture for The Future We Want, an action-oriented working session with Forum speakers and attendees. Each offering at the Sun Valley Forum offers a way to connect global innovation with place-based practices.

Wednesday evening we are excited to host a public screening of the beautiful and inspiring Biggest Little Farm in collaboration with Forum sponsor American Farmland Trust. The $15 tickets go to the food and farm work of SVI and AFT. Watch regenerative agriculture come to life on the big screen!

We hope you join us in creating The Future We Want!