In Brief


CLARIFICATION: June 12 News Brief Regarding Measles

Regarding a June 12 news brief on the arrival of measles to Idaho, The Weekly Sun received an inquiry about a statistical claim related to a 2015 measles outbreak in Disneyland that we attributed to a vaccine-safety source. For clarification purposes, The Weekly Sun encourages readers to find a full report by the Centers for Disease Control at

LA Times Hails Hailey’s Fourth Of July Celebration

Hailey’s quintessential small-town Fourth of July celebration has big plans yet again for 2019 and at least one big city is aware of it. The Los Angeles Times called out Hailey as one of the best places in the United States to find “maximum fun for your Fourth of July.”

The Hailey Days of the Old West celebration runs from July 2 to 6 and offers up an exciting rodeo, a fun and unique parade on Main Street with colorful entries, plenty of horses and a Road Apple Roulette, antique market, pancake breakfast, live music and theatre, a spectacular fireworks display and the popular, family-friendly Wood River Land Trust RiverFest. There is plenty to do and authentic entertainment for all ages throughout the Wood River Valley during this holiday celebration.

For a complete rundown of what is happening during the Hailey Days of the Old West Fourth of July celebration, visit The Chamber – Hailey & the Wood River Valley online at or call (208) 788-3484.

The Hailey Days of the Old West rodeo is a proud tradition in the West, and in Hailey the Sawtooth Rangers Riding Club has held an exciting professional rodeo, featuring some of the best riders and stock in the country, over the Fourth of July every year since 1947. This year’s rodeo is under the direction of the ICA Rodeo Cowboys Association and co-approved by the IMPRA Intermountain Pro Rodeo Association. In addition to the usual high-energy action rodeo events, there is pre-rodeo entertainment with rodeo queen contestants, freestyle reining competition, mutton busting July 2 and 3, and hometown bull riding on July 4. There will also be family rodeo entertainment.

Idaho Power Wants You To Utilize
These Energy-Saving Tips

Idaho Power has released a few tips for staying cool and managing your summer energy use when it’s hot outside. Here they are:

Close doors, windows and blinds during the day when you’re out of the house, especially on the east and west sides. If safe to do so, open them at night or in the morning to let in cooler air.

Do laundry and run the dishwasher in the early morning and late evening hours to avoid adding heat in the warmest part of the day.

Consider installing an attic fan to draw hot air out of the house.

Consider installing a ceiling fan in rooms used frequently. Moving air can feel up to 4 degrees cooler than still air. Ceiling fans are effective in homes both with and without air conditioning (A/C).

Turn the A/C off when you’re going to be gone for an extended period.

Check your A/C’s air handler or furnace filter. Dirty filters reduce a system’s efficiency.

Consider installing a programmable thermostat to give your A/C a break at night and when you are away without sacrificing comfort when you need it.

Weatherstrip doors and windows to prevent losing cool air to the outside.

Idaho Power also reminds customers that summer rates went into effect June 1. Our area experiences the highest demand for energy in the summer, so rates increase from June through August, due in part to higher wholesale prices Idaho Power pays for energy in the summer months. So while rates for most Idaho Power customers actually went down for the second year in a row this month, people may see an increase on their bills due to summer rates and increased energy use.

For more energy-saving tips, visit

Risch Hopes To Make Female Small Business Owners Richer

At the request of U.S. Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho), the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has approved the establishment of the Idaho Women’s Business Center (WBC)—a business development organization that will provide resources, education and services to entrepreneurs and female small business owners across the state of Idaho.

The Idaho WBC will be hosted by the Idaho Hispanic Foundation, under the direction of Idaho Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and will open two locations in the Treasure Valley and the Magic Valley. The University of Idaho will serve as a co-partner to the Idaho WBC.

“Women entrepreneurs are key to the success of our state, driving much of the extraordinary economic growth Idaho has experienced over the last decade, and the Idaho Women’s Business Center will equip female business leaders in the Gem State with the tools they need to start and grow their businesses,” Risch said.

Herb Gardner Play To Benefit Local Nonprofits

Two evenings of live entertainment will benefit the Sawtooth Botanical Garden, the Senior Connection and NAMI-Wood River Valley.

The Royal Larkspur Players, featuring Gary Hoffman and other local actors, will present “I’m Not Rappaport” at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden’s Ellen Long Pavilion. The June 28–29 showings begin at 6:30 p.m. The play was written by Herb Gardner, the screenwriter of this entertaining Tony Award-winning comedy that featured Walter Matthau, Ozzie Davis, Amy Irving and others in a 1996 feature film.

Admission to the Garden is free for “I’m Not Rappaport” ticketholders on June 28 and 29. Call (208) 725-5522 for more information.

Campion To Champion Hailey’s Fourth Of July Parade

The Chamber of Hailey and the Wood River Valley has named Lynn Campion this year’s grand marshal for Hailey’s famous Days of the Old West Parade.

Campion is a longtime resident who first began hanging her hat in the Valley in the early 1970s. Born and raised in Colorado, Campion was a professional photographer and author, penning two books, “Training and Showing the Cutting Horse” and “Rodeo.”

A former national cutting horse champion, Campion is the ideal selection for grand marshal of the parade as her positive impacts have reached far and wide across our community, The Chamber said.

Campion has been a ski instructor for Sun Valley, a volunteer firefighter for the Ketchum Fire Department and she helped bring the first advanced EMT program to the area. Campion has also served on various local nonprofit boards, including The Community Library, St. Luke’s Wood River Medical Center, and Hospice of the Wood River Valley.

The Campion name is now best known locally for the Campion Ice House, which was made a reality thanks in large part to the generosity of Lynn’s family’s foundation.

Campion is married to the acclaimed Western artist, Theodore Waddell, and both are looking forward to being part of Hailey’s iconic parade.

“It’s humbling to be selected as the grand marshal by a community that has been so good to me for so many years,” Campion said.

Donations to help make the Fourth of July in Hailey happen are always welcomed by The Chamber.

For more information or to support the Hailey Days of the Old West Parade, Celebration and Fireworks, contact or call (208) 788-3484.

St. Luke’s, American Red Cross To Host Community Blood Drive

St. Luke’s Wood River Volunteer Board will host a community blood drive with the American Red Cross June 26 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Luke’s Wood River Medical Center, in the Baldy and River Run conference rooms, Ketchum.

Blood is a perishable product that can only come from volunteer blood donors. With someone in the U.S. needing blood every two seconds, blood products must be constantly replenished, according to the Red Cross. According to the Red Cross, donors with all blood types are needed, especially those with types O negative, A negative and B negative.

For more information or to make an appointment to donate, sign up online at with sponsor code Ketchum. Blood donors can save time when they donate by completing a RapidPass. With RapidPass, donors complete the pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online, on the day of donation, prior to arriving at the blood drive. To complete a RapidPass, follow the instructions at

Street Party For The Planet

The Environmental Resource Center is hosting its third annual Street Party for the Planet on Saturday, June 22 from 5 to 8 p.m. on Washington Avenue between 4th and 5th streets in Ketchum.

Celebrate the ERC’s work and the local environment by enjoying bites from local restaurants Pizza Diavola, Wood River Sustainability Center, and Rickshaw, while dancing with DJ Diva and playing family-friendly lawn games. Snowcones will be available from Ice Shaved Sun Valley. Beer, wine and nonalcoholic drinks will be available for purchase, and ERC staff, board and program information will be there, too!

Enter to win a drawing for awesome door prizes, including:

Stand-Up Paddleboard from Backwoods Mountain Sports

Half-day whitewater rafting trip with White Otter and a night’s stay at Danner’s Log Cabins for two

MSR Elixir 3 Tent from The Elephant’s Perch, a Leatherman Signal, and a half-day fishing trip with White Cloud Rafting Adventures

One-month Zenergy pass and Leatherman Tempo

Little Black Dress Club Grants Big Money To Nonprofits

The Little Black Dress Club Wood River Valley held their summer giving event at the Argyros Performing Arts Center last week, marking their 10th anniversary of giving at a total of $132,000 to local nonprofit organizations.

The group heard brief presentations from five nonprofits who were nominated for funding:

“I Have a Dream” Foundation – Idaho

NAMI – Wood River Valley

4-H Club

Men’s Second Chance

Stella’s Shelter

Selected as top grant recipient was “I Have a Dream” Foundation – Idaho. They will receive approximately $4,000 to help provide local youth with the support they need to achieve their college dreams. NAMI – Wood River Valley was awarded $2,000 for their continuing efforts to help those in need. The other organizations also received personal checks.

This tri-annual gathering is for women who are interested in learning about smaller Blaine County nonprofit organizations who seek funding. Those who were not able to attend are encouraged to send a minimum of $100 to Little Black Dress Club, P.O. Box 313, Hailey, ID 83333. More information at


Herb Gardner Play To Benefit Local Nonprofits

Two evenings of live entertainment will benefit the Sawtooth Botanical Garden, the Senior Connection and NAMI-Wood River Valley.
The Royal Larkspur Players, featuring Gary Hoffman and other local actors, will present “I’m Not Rappaport” at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden’s Ellen Long Pavilion. The June 28–29 showings begin at 6:30 p.m. The play was written by Herb Gardner, the screenwriter of this entertaining Tony Award-winning comedy that featured Walter Matthau, Ozzie Davis, Amy Irving and others in a 1996 feature film.
Admission to the Garden is free for “I’m Not Rappaport” ticketholders on June 28 and 29. Call (208) 725-5522 for more information.