Sun Valley Institute Welcomes The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation To Sun Valley Forum


By Sun Valley Institute Team

The Sun Valley Institute’s fifth annual Sun Valley Forum, July 23-26, will gather trailblazers and change-makers from across the globe for three days to accelerate the transformation to sustainable, equitable, and secure economies and communities. In the face of our rapidly changing world, we are excited to welcome leaders and innovators to Sun Valley.

The 2019 Forum theme, “The Future We Want: Transforming Leadership, Accelerating Innovation and Unlocking Imagination,” is a call to action. The World Economic Forum’s 2019 Global Risks report, “Out of Control,” named the top two risks facing our world—extreme weather events and the failure of humanity to act to address or adapt to climate change.

A new partner this year, the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has helped to build powerful initiatives globally for our planet and people, to uplift those most in need and to protect our most special places. Justin Winters, executive director, will introduce and host the opening session, showcasing clear, compelling and actionable goals and featuring innovators who are building the future we want. From clean energy to regenerative agriculture, the Forum’s solutions are opportunities for our local community, as well.

Over the past decade Justin has helped Leonardo DiCaprio to shape his approach to philanthropy and activism. The Foundation is dedicated to ensuring the long-term health and wellbeing of all Earth’s inhabitants by building climate resiliency, protecting vulnerable wildlife and restoring balance to threatened ecosystems and communities. Using innovative funding, implementation and communications strategies, Justin has successfully built LDF’s global grantmaking program, awarding over $100 million to over 200 high-impact projects in 50 countries around the world since 2010.

We are fortunate to have global leaders and innovators such as Justin with us and hope you will join us, too. The Forum offers discounted nonprofit, education and government rates as well as full scholarships at