Our Students’ Success Is Our Community’s Success


As we move a few days closer to graduation for the classes of 2019, I want to thank the entire Blaine County School District staff, parents and community who have helped each of our students learn and thrive this year.

The accomplishments of our students are sometimes very public and other times more quiet.

There are students who are recognized for their successes with robotics, music, theatre, debate, athletics, academics and community service. There are students who have more private accomplishments that are no less of an achievement. Each one of our students has an entire team of people supporting them, at home and/or at school, where their individual needs are identified and met.

Over and over again I see that our community is focused on our students, whether it’s at a music performance or an athletic event, whether it’s when we rally to support a child in need or when we work with staff on committees to improve our systems of education. The thing that unites us is that we all want what is best for students.

I want to thank each of you who helped our students fulfill their potential and take one step closer to their goal of graduating. From the youngest child in preschool to the oldest child a few days away from graduation, each student leaves our public schools at the end of the school year with an education that embodies our community’s desire to not only meet the standards established by the State of Idaho, but to go beyond expectations to inspire, engage, educate and empower every student. Our students’ success is our community’s success. Together we make the difference for our children. Thank you!

With gratitude,

Dr. GwenCarol Holmes
