Dive Into The State Of Our Food System


By sun valley institute

After nine months and much community input, our new Community Food System Strategic Plan is ready to be unveiled.

Initiated by Local Food Alliance and Sun Valley Institute in 2018, the Community Food System Strategic Plan brought stakeholders together to create an explicit and inclusive vision for the Wood River Valley region. Having a clearly articulated vision and working collaboratively is key to making—and measuring—real progress in food system reform.

For the strategic plan, we engaged the country’s most experienced food system analyst Ken Meter of Crossroads Resource Center, who conducted 61 interviews of food system leaders and analyzed regional economic data to come up with key action steps for our community.

On Thursday, May 16, Meter returns to the Wood River Valley to present his findings to the community and help regional food leaders develop plans for strategic solutions. The plan is already leading to more unified action and new collaborations, including a Wholesale Producer Partnership.

Community members are encouraged to come learn more at The State of Our Food System on Thursday, May 16. Free public presentations will be held from 9-11 a.m. at the Community Campus (Queen of the Hills Room, 1050 Fox Acres Road in Hailey) and 5:30-7 p.m. at Sawtooth Brewery Public House (631 Warm Springs Road in Ketchum). Ken Meter and local food leaders will be ready to answer your questions! Register at: https://stateofourfoodsystem.eventbrite.com.

The State of Our Food System is co-hosted by community partners, including Blaine County Food Council, Local Food Alliance, Sun Valley Institute, The Hunger Coalition, University of Idaho Extension, Western SARE, and Sawtooth Brewery.

To learn more and read the Community Food System Strategic Plan, visit: https://www.localfoodalliance.org/work/food-system-strategic-plan.

Local Food Alliance, a program of the Sun Valley Institute, educates, connects and collaborates with individuals, organizations and businesses to bring locally and regionally grown food to our community. Learn more and sign up at localfoodalliance.org and sunvalleyinstitute.org.