Fishing Report

Hwy 20 in Picabo

Fishing in the spring is not always easy, but for the creative angler it is a great time to search for new opportunities and get outside of the comfort zone. There are numerous places to fish and more each day as roads begin to dry and open, and the high country becomes accessible.

Lakes, reservoirs, ponds and canals all remain open to fish. We may need to wait on a few of these fisheries, but if you are looking for an adventure, check out many of the opportunities that can be found with snowshoes, boats, bikes and your feet! There are many ways to find these spots, and Google Earth is a great place to begin your search.

If you want to stick with the norms, the Lost River remains open for fishing, although keep an eye on that gauge! If the CFS jumps well above 300, you may want to look elsewhere. Currently, the color red on a nymph is going to produce fish. The Baetis hatches in the afternoon are sporadic but certainly a possibility when the wind isn’t blowing.

Magic Reservoir should begin to turn back on as the reservoir begins to fill and stabilize a bit more than it has been. The upper narrows is a great place to fish in the spring, as well as the coves near the dam. Fishing the legal sections of the Big Wood and Camas arms of the reservoir is also a good idea if they aren’t too muddy.

Anglers are catching fish in the canal system below Magic Reservoir as well. It is a bit hard at first wrapping one’s mind around the setting as you search for fish, but once you feel one of those big rainbows pull on your line, it will suddenly feel like a much more attractive area to fish!

No matter where you go in the coming weeks, please be safe! The flows are high, road conditions can be iffy, and the weather may not always be stable. It is a good time of year to leave your dog at home if you are near the rivers and a great time to take them fishing when you are on the still waters. Try to fish with a friend when you can and, like always, tell someone where you are going. Fishing safely makes it more fun.

Opening day is May 25 this year!

Happy fishing, everyone!