

Wed Apr 3 & Fri Apr 5

Story Time

10:30-11:30AM / Hailey Library / Hailey

Story Time is held weekly on Wednesdays and Fridays at the Hailey Public Library. All ages are welcome. Parents should plan on staying with their children. For more information, call (208) 788-2036.

Wed Apr 3

Digging Deep

5:30PM / Warfield / Ketchum

Sawtooth Avalanche Center forecaster Ethan Davis will discuss “Facets and Surface Hoar.” Participants will learn why and how surface hoar grows, see some mind-blowing time lapse of crystal growth and deepen their understanding of this beautiful but troublesome form of ice.

For information, contact

Wed Apr 3

Ketchum Community Dinners

6-7PM / Church of the Big Wood / Ketchum

Free hot dinners are provided weekly to everyone. Find Ketchum Community Dinners on Facebook for more information and weekly menu updates.

Wed Apr 3

Line Dancing

6-7PM / The Mint / Hailey

Dust off your boots and join Vicki Aberbach for a line-dancing lesson. The fee is $10. There will be an open dance afterwards to practice getting those boots movin’.

Wed Apr 3-Sun Apr 7

‘Outside Mullingar’

7PM, 1PM / The Argyros / Ketchum

Sawtooth Productions LLC in association with Laughing Stock Theatre Company will present John Patrick Shanley’s romantic comedy, with Claudia McCain, Aly Wepplo, Andrew Alburger and David Janeski, for six performances, at the Argyros Performing Arts Center, Ketchum. The play will show nightly at 7 p.m. with a matinee on Sunday at 1 p.m. For tickets, visit or

Wed Apr 3

Trivia & Cocktails

7-9PM / Hotel Ketchum / Ketchum

There will be two trivia games every Wednesday night through the season, along with drink specials and prizes for place winners. There is no entry free. Bring yourself and your friends—because you deserve a night of games and specialty cocktails!

Thu Apr 4

Theatre & Film School Auditions

3-5PM / Ballet & Arts Center / Hailey

The Sun Valley Ballet & Arts Center will hold open auditions for its Children’s Theater And Film School, every Thursday, or call for appointment. The Sun Valley Ballet & Arts Center is located 111 N. 1st Ave. in Hailey.

For more information, call (208) 366-4008 or visit

Sat Apr 6 & Sun Apr 7

Caritas Spring Concert

7:30PM & 3PM / Our Lady of the Snows / Ketchum

Caritas Chorale will present its free and open-to-the-public Spring Concert 2019 at Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Church on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. The chorus is directed by R.L. Rowsey and accompanied by Dorinda Rendahl. Music will include ‘Nisi Dominus, by Galuppi, ‘Dixit Dominus’ by Vivaldi, “Misericordias Domini” by Mozart, “Kyrie” by Schubert arr. John Leavitt, “Ubi Caritas” by Michael John Trotta, “From Heaven to Earth” by Craig Courtney, and “Always Something Sings” by Dan Forrest.

For more information, contact Peggy Striegel at (918) 740-5584.

Thu Apr 4

Beaver Talk

6PM / Community Library / Ketchum

Wood River Land Trust will host Ben Goldfarb, author of “Eager: The Surprising Secret Life of Beavers” for a talk. An independent environmental journalist, Goldfarb’s book, “Eager,” has been called “a masterpiece of a treatise on the natural world” by the Washington Post.

Goldfarb’s work has been cited on NPR, Boston Globe, The Seattle Times and National Geographic. He will speak on the importance of beavers within our environment, and how these animals can help us fight drought, flooding, wildfire, extinction, and the ravages of climate change.

Thu Apr 4

History Of Hailey

5:30PM / Hailey Library / Hailey

The Hailey Public Library will host a free talk on the historic photographic images of the Martyn Mallory Collection, which consists of 1,700 negatives and more than 2,000 prints from ca. 1900 to 1936.  Select negatives and glass plates will be on display. The talk will be held upstairs in the City of Hailey Council Chambers at 115 S. Main Street. Rob Lonning, local historian and author of “Images of America – Hailey,” will show Mallory’s most iconic images. Ryan Gelskey, regional history librarian at The Community Library in Ketchum, will explain how the collection is managed to provide public access to the images.

The talk is part of the library’s yearlong Centennial Celebration of the founding of the Hailey Public Library in 1919. For more information, call (208) 788-2036 or visit

Thu Apr 4


6-8PM / Hot Water Inn / Warm Springs

Round two in the Valley’s premiere storytelling competition will feature a theme, stories and judging by the crowd. There are numerous raffle prizes and a 15-day Sun Valley ski pass for the best story of the competition. Call (208) 720-1822 or email for more information.

Fri Apr 5 & Sat Apr 6

Après Ski Live Music
2:30-5PM / River Run Lodge / Ketchum

On both afternoons this weekend, Black Market III will play at River Run Lodge. There is never a cover and everyone is welcome.

Thu Apr 4-Mon Apr 8

Live Music
6PM / The Limelight/ Ketchum

Free live music is held in the Lounge every Thursday through Monday night through the season. Food is available

and children are welcome as there are lots of games and fun to be had.

Fri Apr 5

‘Won’t You Be My Neighbor?’  

12:30PM / Community School / Sun Valley

Sun Valley Community School Parents’ Association will host a free and public screening of the 2018 documentary about Mr. Fred Rogers, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” in Sun Valley Community School’s theatre. This special screening will also include a group discussion.

Fri Apr 5

Live Music
6PM & 9:30PM / Silver Dollar / Bellevue

There will be happy hour music by J.R and the OD’s, and late music with The Dave Nudo Band at the iconic Bellevue saloon. There’s never a cover and patrons have access to a free shuttle home, if needed.

Fri Apr 5

Learn to Dance
6-8PM / SV Ballet / Hailey

Sun Valley Dance Club Series will offer lessons on cha-cha and Viennese waltz this week. The fee is $25 couple or $15 single. Light refreshments will be served. For more information, call Lyn at (501) 944-2448 or Aimee at (208) 490-0199. Sun Valley Ballet is located at 111 N. 1st Ave. in Hailey.

Sat Apr 6

Hawaiian Nationals
9AM / Bald Mountain / Ketchum

Hosted by Sun Valley Tele, the Hawaiian Nationals will be held on the Warm Springs side of Bald Mountain. Register between 9-10:30 a.m., followed by 11 a.m. racing; 2 p.m. human slalom at the top of Greyhawk; 4 p.m. award ceremony and raffle in the Greyhawk parking lot.

The divisions this year will be: Telemark (Open & Sport), Snowboard, Monoski. Additional awards for Best Crash, Best Costume. Discounted $55 lift tickets will be available the day of the event. All race competitors must have a lift ticket.

For information on tickets, visit

Sat Apr 6

Gelande Quaffing
4:20-7:20PM / Apple’s / Warm Springs

Sawtooth Regional Gelande Quaffing and The Cellar Pub will host the annual Sawtooth Regional Gelande Quaffing Championships after the Hawaiian Nationals. Called the best game off the slopes, teammates stand at each end of 10-foot-long bar tops. One slides a beer down the smooth surface and when the glass leaves the table, the other teammate catches the brew midflight to quickly guzzle it down. Between each catch, tricks are added, which accumulate more points.

Register your team at The Cellar Pub, Apple’s Bar & Grill or with Rick Lethbridge at (208) 721-2002. Costumes are highly encouraged. All proceeds benefit Sawtooth Avalanche Center.

Sat Apr 6

Haiti Relief Dinner
5:30-7:30PM / Community School / Sun Valley

The Haiti Relief Team from St. Thomas Episcopal Church, along with students and teachers from Sun Valley Community School and Ernest Hemingway Steam School, will host a Haiti Micah Project (HMP) Community Dinner fundraiser in the Community School’s Middle School building. Tickets are $40 adults, $20 children. There will be a buffet-style Haitian dinner with juices and dessert. Videos will be shown of Father Joseph Constant, founder of HMP, and Sarah Desir, HMP’s administrative assistant, and pictures of a recent trip to Haiti.

For more information, contact Yvonne Inman at (208) 622-3955, ext. 138, or Dydy Cleven at (208) 720-6219.

Mon Apr 9

Souper Supper

5:30-6:30PM / St. Charles / Hailey

Weekly free hot dinners are provided by the dedicated Souper Supper crew to anyone who wishes to join, for any reason. St. Charles Catholic Church Parish Hall is located at 313 1st Ave. S., Hailey.

Mon Apr 8-Thu Apr 11

River Run Closed

All Day / Bald Mountain / Warm Springs

All lift access will be is available only at Warm Springs during these days. River Run will reopen through Sunday, April 14.

Tue Apr 9
Landscape Workshop
8:45-12:30PM / Community Campus / Hailey

Environmental Resource Center, Wood River Land Trust and Blaine County will offer a free Spring Landscape and Noxious Weed Management Workshop in the Minnie Moore Room at the Community Campus in Hailey. Complimentary coffee and breakfast snacks will be provided at 8:30 a.m.

Speakers will include Carl Jorgensen, entomologist for USDA Forest Service – Intermountain Region; Don Morishita, professor of Weed Science, extension specialist, and superintendent of the University of Idaho Kimberly Research and Extension Center; and Steve Paulsen of Native Roots.

Three re-certification credits, as well as “Water Smarty” credits, will be available. This workshop is designed for landscapers, property managers, and interested community members.

For more information, visit or call (208) 788-5574.

If you’re running out of room, remove the two following listings.

Tue Apr 9
Ping-Pong Night
7-10PM / The Mint / Hailey

Guests can enjoy free ping-pong games at The Mint. For more information call (208) 788-6468.

Tue Apr 9

Sawtooth Trivia
7:30PM / Sawtooth Brewery / Ketchum

Sawtooth Brewery presents free trivia games for the season. Games start at 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday and all ages are welcome. Sawtooth Brewery Public House is located at 631 Warm Springs Road. For details, visit