Fishing Report

Hwy 20 in Picabo

The fresh snow has fallen, giving anglers a week or more of new tracks up and down the river. This essentially will paint a map for anglers of where people have been fishing and where they haven’t. This is one of the best perks to winter fishing. There is something very endearing and special about taking a day and walking where you know no one else has been for several days or weeks. Knowing that you’re making the first cast in a long time in any body of water certainly boosts one’s confidence.

Silver Creek has been fishing very well under the clouds and snow. Fish are even rising a bit through the inclement weather. Stick to Streamer fishing for the time being, at least until we see the big Midge hatches we expect in March. The forecast is calling for more clouds and there is no reason there should be any drop-off in the fishing action. Dress warm and come on down to Picabo. Stop by the shop if you need flies or a hot lunch.

The Big Wood always fishes well once the weather has settled in. No matter if it’s sunny or cloudy, as long as the days are strung together with consistent weather, you should find consistently good fishing. There is some dry-fly activity to be found, even in the heavy snowfall, but the best Midge action should start two days after the snow stops. Once we settle into a dry pattern, wait one day for the fish to adjust and then get out there, and be ready to fish the surface. In the meantime, if the fish aren’t rising, try nymph rigs that include Brassies or Zebra Nymphs. If you see the Little Black Stonefly, then by all means try a Prince Nymph or Girdle Bug, as well.

The word on the South Fork of the Boise is great fishing, but bad road. If you go after the weather calms, be sure to take a friend, a shovel and chains. Even if it’s not snowing, the dam road can be a snowy and muddy mess until the sun and wind get on it. The flies are all the same you would use on the Wood—Midge patterns, both wet and dry, as well as a few Streamers.

Finally, the lower Lost River is open for fishing, although still no reports, as very few anglers have made the trip to Mackay so far this winter (sleeper water?).

Happy fishing, everyone!