Join Us In Building Blaine County’s Future!


By Sun Valley Institute Staff

In a changing world that offers new threats, both acute and chronic, how prepared are we for the future?

Over the past month, the Sun Valley Institute conducted interviews with Blaine County community members to gain perspectives on the unique risks and opportunities that our county faces, and how these will be impacted by climate change and other outside forces. Across the board, the consensus was this: Our area has incredible quality of life, yet there are major gaps in affordability, natural resource management, equity and integration, and an increasing threat of natural disasters such as fire and smoke, flooding and changes in snowfall.

Building upon these interviews, we invite you to join us Monday, Dec. 3, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the Community Campus in Hailey for the first of two community workshops, the Scenario Planning Workshop.

Funded by Blaine County, the City of Ketchum and others, this workshop is a chance to identify major areas of community need, brainstorm specific projects, and then create action plans to implement solutions that address our risks.

We’ll learn what other similarly situated communities have done to bring near and long-term benefits to their economy, security, and environment to build lasting quality of place. We will share the initial feedback from fellow residents, elicit your input, agree upon/build solutions, and together choose the best and most feasible projects.

At the first workshop we’ll identify the projects and then work collaboratively to develop clear roadmaps for each solution, including who is responsible and the source(s) of capital to make it happen. Together, we will address important gaps to build a more resilient, prosperous Blaine County.

Registration is free and open to the public. Space is limited. Please visit and search for “Blaine County Scenario Planning Workshop” to register.