Feastival In The Hills


Family-friendly harvest event to be held in the Pioneer Mountains


Matt and Whitney Gershater oversee both the annual Feastival event and Idaho BaseCamp, a 501(c) 3 organization. Photo courtesy of Idaho BaseCamp

The 10th annual Feastival, at Idaho BaseCamp, will be held from Friday to Sunday, Sept. 14 to Sept. 16.

Idaho BaseCamp, a nonprofit organization owned by Matt and Whitney Gershater, will open its spectacular riverside retreat at 4921 Trail Creek Road for a weekend of comradery, camping, the sharing of food, workshops, and music. Idaho BaseCamp is home to educational programs, summer camps and other community events.

“For us, it’s a great way to celebrate the turning of the season and the local food that’s coming out of farms and gardens and to gather with the community before we hunker down before the winter months,” Whitney Gershater said. “Summer is wrapping up. It’s our last hurrah. Come dance, be a part of wonderful people and have a good time.”

There will be plenty of free time to hike, fish, play music and congregate, but there are also about five workshops that will be held, including a yoga workshop taught by Alexis Farrell. In a new concept, Sean Parnell will teach dancing on Saturday morning.

Other workshops offered will be Settling the Mind: You Must Be Present to Win, with Noah Adin Koski of Flourish Foundation; A Guided Conversation about White Fragility: Beginning the Process of Anti-Racist Work, with Brenna Cavanaugh-Kwiat; Compassionate Voice Work discussion with Dr. Jody Stanislaw; and Singing Workshop with Cassandra Lewis.

Idaho BaseCamp handles a main dish for meals, but otherwise it’s a grand potluck with participants bringing dishes to share along with supplying their own utensils, plates and bowls.

Feastival-ites can tent camp on the grounds while campers, vans and trailers will be on the same level as the buildings. There are also places available in yurts and canvas wall tents.

There will be live music played throughout the event with such musicians as Trevor Green, Whim Grace, St. Terrible, Cassandra Lewis, Aaron Golay Band, and Simply B.

Feastival is for anyone who says “I need to camp more with my kids,”

Gershater said. “I need to hear more live music. I need to eat better food. I need to have great discussions and connections and have an uplifted sense of self. The ultimate goal is to have a positive impact on the people who come.”

For more information on tickets, accommodations and directions, visit idahobasecamp.org.