Tap Into Oktoberfest


Event will feature beer, food, music & fun


Sawtooth Brewery’s 6th Annual Oktoberfest returns Sept. 14-15 at Ketchum Town Square. Photo courtesy of Sawtooth Brewery

Like true Germans the world over, Oktoberfest will be celebrated with Sawtooth Brewery’s 6th Annual Oktoberfest at Ketchum Town Square from 4-10 p.m. Friday, Sept. 14, and from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 15.

“Oktoberfest is a celebration of a great summer leading into a great fall,” said Paul Holle, Sawtooth Brewery’s CEO and head brewer. “It is about people coming together for a great party—great beer, great music, great food and a great place. Friends mingle throughout the event playing games, and relaxing in a familiar, comfortable atmosphere.”

The original tradition of Oktoberfest dates back to 1810, celebrating the marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen, in Bavaria.

“For Sawtooth Brewery, Oktoberfest now starts in September to enjoy some better weather and is kicked off by the tapping of the keg by the mayor, which we will do on Friday, Sept. 14,” Holle said. “It’s a great event to bring everyone together post-summer to celebrate.”

Anyone can walk into the event, but to drink, they must buy a beer stein.

“We’ll have four different types of glassware, and that glass will get you into any future Oktoberfest events, as well,” Holle said.

Oktoberfest boasts live music throughout the weekend. Friday, Snoozy Moon will take the stage at 5 p.m. and help locals kick up their clogs. On Saturday, enjoy tunes from the Hurdy Gurdy Girls at 2 p.m. and music from The Pan Handles at 6 p.m.

Saturday, the Beer Olympics will take place at 3 p.m. The champions will walk away with a 2-liter glass boot.

“The Beer Olympics is for teams of four to compete for Das Boot,” Holle said. “It is $40/team and includes beer and a pint glass for each participant. The teams will compete in stein-hoisting, cornhole, beer pong and the volume chug. Best score wins.”

Pre-registration is suggested for the Beer Olympics.

Sawtooth Brewery wants this festival to be more than just drinking beer in Town Square.

“Yes, it is beer-centric, and under 21 or no ID will get you some great BuckSnort Root Beer from Boise,” Holle said. “But with no tickets required, anyone can come enjoy the festivities, play some games or enjoy some live music. We also want this to be family-friendly, so we will have food like Kobe beef hotdogs, shaved ice, games and activities for the kids. This isn’t a nightclub at 2 a.m., it’s Oktoberfest.”

Holle counts Oktoberfest as one of the best weekends of the year.

“For a town where there’s so much to do, to see 2,000 people hanging out in Town Square drinking beer is just a wonderful experience,” he said. “I love seeing the transformation of Town Square from a quiet coffee area to a big party under a web of Oktoberfest flags with hundreds of your closest friends. Seeing the beer garden come to life, the brats coming off the grill while friends compete in Hammerschlagen and hearing the sound of the Jenga tower crashing all at once—what a way to spend a weekend.”

For more information on the Sawtooth Brewery’s 6th Annual Oktoberfest, visit ketchumoktoberfest.com.