Real-World Education


BY Jill Palmer

Jill Palmer
Jill Palmer

Big Picture Learning is a worldwide innovative education alternative that can be taken on by any school. Its main goal is to place students in real-world learning situations that are connected to students’ interests and passions.

There are hundreds of Big Picture Learning schools in the world and Silver Creek High School in Hailey is one of them. All around the world, BPL networks work together and within their own communities to adjust and provide alternative ways of learning.

At Silver Creek High School, we dedicate Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to doing everyday schoolwork and learning, but Tuesdays and Thursdays are spent much differently. At our BPL school, we devote our Tuesdays and Thursdays to sending our students out into the Wood River community to explore their interests and passions.

My name is Jillian Palmer, I am a sophomore at Silver Creek High School, and my passion is journalism. Because I go to Silver Creek, I have the amazing opportunity to get out into my community and do hands-on learning. I intern at The Weekly Sun newspaper and it has been an amazing experience so far. I have learned so much about journalism and the responsibilities each person has within the workplace. Here at The Sun I write a column every other week on whatever topic I want.

For the next few months my articles will be focused on the incredible opportunities my peers and I get to be able learn through our passions. During these next few months, the Valley will get a look in on Silver Creek, the interests of its wonderful students, and the fantastic mentors who welcome our students into their workspace.

Jill Palmer is an intern at The Weekly Sun and a student at Silver Creek High School.