By Jean Jacques Bohl

very year it’s the same. You know you’re going to eat, and that you’ll feel stuffed to the brim later in the day. So try a little trot early in the day to get the day––and your body––moving.
This year marks the 13th annual Hailey Turkey Trot that will take place tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day.
A Wood River Valley holiday tradition since 2003, the 5k (about 3.1 miles) course will take participants from Sturtos in downtown Hailey, into the Draper Wood River Preserve, over the Bow Bridge, into the Della View neighborhood, up Broadford Road to River Street, and back.
The race will begin at 10 a.m. and finish around 1 p.m., just in time to race home, watch some football, and cook. Four-legged friends are welcome but must be on a leash.
Organized by the Hailey Chamber of Commerce, Blaine County Title and Mountain West Bank, the Turkey Trot has grown each year. Last year set a record, as over 650 people took part in the event. Participants come in all categories: families, runners, walkers, strollers, bikes and pets. There are also rewards for participants; the first 400 entries will receive Turkey Trot souvenirs, including a wool beanie designed by Hailey’s own JYTTE.
Proceeds from the event will go the Valley-based Souper Supper and Girls on the Run programs. Participants can also bring nonperishable food items to help stock the Souper Supper food pantry.
Register online at until 8 p.m. tonight. The cost is $10 for children under 17 and $15 per adult. A family of four can enter for $40, with $10 for each additional member. Latecomers can still sign up on race day but the cost will be higher: $30 per individual and $70 per family. Same-day registration starts before 9 a.m. Thursday.
Doing the Turkey Trot will not only atone for the food and beverage excesses to follow later in the day, Sturtos Hailey will give a 10 percent discount on presentation of race bib.
Also, there will be hot chocolate served at the finish line. And, last but not least, those over the age of 21 will receive a free Sawtooth Brewery beer donated by Hailey Mayor Fritz Haemmerle.