Kathleen Eder Is A Proven Leader


We are fortunate this election year to have Kathleen Eder as a strong leader in our community running for State Representative District 26.

Kathleen’s qualifications are extensive. She served as Hailey’s postmaster for 34 years. In addition, she is past president of the Wood River Medical Center, a board member of Blaine County Hospital and served as executive director of Croy Canyon Ranch Senior Care Center. Kathleen is a proven leader in business, serving two terms as president of the Hailey Rotary Club, and Idaho president and vice president of the National Association of Postmasters.

As the Representative of Legislative District 26, Kathleen is dedicated to improving the economy, increasing wages, providing quality education, finding solutions to improve medical care for all Idahoans, keeping our public lands public and protecting our Idaho way of life.

Kathleen Eder’s opponent, incumbent Steve Miller, is asking for our vote to return him to office for another two years. His record as our Representative of Legislative District 26 does not reflect that his time in office has benefited his district and he is not deserving of another vote of confidence.

Steve Miller’s voting record does not reflect the best interests of the people he represents:

• Voted repeatedly to exempt dredge mining in rivers, allowing unrestricted pollution: HB201415

• Voted for legislation for the state to take over public lands: HB582

• Voted to reduce education funds by $70 million: HB311

• Voted to have the Bible taught in public schools: violation of our Constitution.

• Voted to reduce funds for education by $28 million to give tax breaks to the wealthiest taxpayers        and corporations.

• Voted to block Medicaid expansion, leaving 78,000 Idahoans without healthcare: HB644A

Voted against child support judgment. HB1 did pass in 2015, saving Idaho from losing $46 million         in federal funds.

The Idaho legislative watchdogs who keep records of all legislators’ effectiveness voted Steve Miller the least effective Representative in 2015.

Please support Kathleen Eder as our Legislative District 26, which includes Blaine, Camas, Gooding and Lincoln counties. Kathleen will represent all of us and focus on the important things we need done.

Betty Murphy

Ketchum resident and Blaine County Democrats Legislative Chair