Home Commentary Letters Kathleen Eder A+, Rep. Steve Miller C-

Kathleen Eder A+, Rep. Steve Miller C-


I am writing to support Kathleen Eder, who is running for District 26 House of Representatives.

In her community work and in her career, Kathleen always gets an A+ for going the extra mile, her effective leadership and problem-solving skills. Her proven leadership skills, I believe, will surely serve District 26 better than incumbent Representative Steve Miller, whom the Twin Falls Times-News gave a C- for his lackluster performance as a legislator in 2014 and who didn’t even bother to participate in the paper’s reader survey on the 2015 legislative session. Here is a guy who was graded a C- in 2014 and received an Incomplete in 2015. We need a change.

Voters deserve elected representatives who will work tirelessly to make a difference.  Kathleen Eder is that person. She also shares my values on so many issues that I care about: preschool education, access to public lands, expanding medical coverage to more Idahoans, protecting our water and wildlife, and improving our economy.

It is time to have an A+ District 26 Representative in office, so please cast your vote for Kathleen Eder.

Sarah Michael

Blaine County resident