Vote For Kathleen Eder


District 26 needs an elected representative who shows up.

Kathleen Eder, who is running for District 26 representative, has been at all of the recent meetings of the Wood River Water Collaborative that I have attended and her opponent, Representative Steve Miller, has not been seen. To me, it demonstrates that Kathleen Eder will be engaged in the critical issues facing our communities and, unlike Miller, she will be proactive in finding solutions.

Water allocation is one the most complicated challenges facing us. In an effort to find common ground, the Wood River Water Collaborative meets regularly. The group is now composed of about 60 people, including representatives from lower- and upper-basin farmers, the Department of Water Resources, the Idaho Water Resource Board, conservation organizations, the Blaine County Commissioners and Valley cities, as well as state Senator Michelle Stennett. Kathleen Eder has consistently attended these meetings.

Please vote for Kathleen Eder on November 8th. We need more informed representatives who understand the water challenges facing Idaho and District 26. We need a representative who shows up!

Marc Longley

Ketchum resident and
Public Drinking Water Consultant for Ketchum