Activities for all at The Senior Connection

Members of The Senior Connection and the community enjoy a watercolor class at The Senior Connection.

BY Linda Vick

Members of The Senior Connection and the community enjoy a watercolor class at The Senior Connection.
Members of The Senior Connection and the community enjoy a watercolor class at The Senior Connection.

Cold weather is on its way and many seniors will be looking for activities to keep them busy during the winter months. The Senior Connection’s executive director, Teresa Beahen Lipman, would like to remind you that an important component of successful aging is remaining socially connected, and that reducing isolation lowers the risk of depression and illness.

One of the best ways to stay healthy is with regular exercise. The Senior Connection has a well-equipped workout room, complete with exercise equipment, weights and balls. We also have a terrific exercise class called Fit and Fall Proof, held three days a week. Seniors who take the class increase their strength and stability, which helps them prevent the falls that are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries in older adults. For those of you who prefer to be outdoors, Barb, our activities director, leads a weekly walking club – two miles on the bike path and through our neighborhood.

Looking for something fun to do after your delicious Senior Connection lunch? You can stay and play Bingo on Tuesdays, or enjoy card games and bridge on Thursday and Friday afternoons. We have a pool table, board games and an ice cream parlor, too! In August, we held a very successful Senior Olympics on our front lawn. It was great fun! We recently hosted a local artist for a series of painting classes and we bring in the occasional educational speaker. On Thursday, Oct. 27 at 12:30 p.m., we will host an Alzheimer’s Association representative who will speak to us about recognizing the 10 signs of Alzheimer’s disease.

Our offsite activities bring us together in other fun ways. Our very popular Diners Club meets at a different restaurant each month – most recently South Valley Pizzeria, KB’s, The Wicked Spud and Chapalita’s. It’s a great way to socialize while enjoying a lovely meal. We took a large group of seniors to the Sun Valley Summer Symphony in August for Pops Night. In September, there was a big excursion to Hagerman to attend the Thousand Springs Festival of the arts. The weather was perfect and the setting was beautiful for this annual event.

We’re extremely fortunate to be able to provide a carefully designed family support service called The Connection Club Adult Day Care and Respite Program. This invaluable program offers structured and stimulating activities for those who are cognitively impaired, while providing their caregivers a four-hour break four times per week. The club members stay connected through word games, art projects, music and animal therapy, and gentle exercise. They enjoy lunch together in the common dining room, further enriching their social skills. We take them on field trips to places like the Hailey Museum and Sun Valley Summer Symphony rehearsals. Club members appear to thrive in this nurturing environment, and their caregivers and families appreciate our support.

The Connection Newsletter is published each month and it’s available at many locations around the Valley. It contains a calendar with information on both ongoing and upcoming activities. Please call Barb at (208) 788-3468 for information on any of our activities and programs. The Senior Connection has so much to offer the seniors in our community. Bring a friend or neighbor and join the fun!