Fishing Report

Hwy 20 in Picabo (208)788.3536
Hwy 20 in Picabo

The roaring 90s are here to stay for a while. If you are camping, please, please, please think about every step in the process of campfires. Have your five-gallon bucket of water at your side. Let’s get through another summer without tragedy!

Fishing early and late is the name of the game again this week. The fishing windows are shrinking with the heat, but they are mighty fine windows. Trico is the ruler of the bug world on most area rivers right now. Hopper action continues to be better than the past two seasons and, best of all, that is one bug to count on during the heat of the day.

On Silver Creek, the wind dictates whether the afternoons will be Hopper fishing, Callibaetis fishing or Damselfly fishing. The Damsel activity has been excellent on calm afternoons and it is often a great “go-to” fly right after the morning Trico and Baetis action subsides. Callibaetis on the sloughs is always a challenge and a fun way to spend a calm afternoon on the Creek. If the wind does blow, a medium-sized Hopper is the best bet. Ants, Beetles, Crickets and Spiders are also all in play during the day.

The evenings on the Creek are Baetis dominant, with PMD and Callibaetis also in the mix. Hoppers can be a very, very good evening fly as well. Once you see the wakes of the big browns coming out to chase bait, you know it is also evening Hopper hour! Stay until dark to fish Mice and enjoy the hot summer nights. It’s very comfortable at night – just bring bug spray.

The Big Wood and the Upper Lost are dropping fast and the little-fish game is in play most of the day. Finding bigger fish is again accomplished early and late under the low light of dusk and dawn. Move slowly in the early morning hours and never forget to watch the shallow water right next to the bank. If you are the first angler on the stretch you are fishing early morning, you have a very good chance of finding big fish sipping Mayflies and Caddis in inches of water, often near the heads of the pools and adjacent to the fast water.

There is no better way to beat the heat than standing in a trout stream, so get outside this week, enjoy the warmth of low light and nighttime fishing, and have fun!

Happy fishing, everyone!