Farmers’ Market Vendor Spotlight


wr farmers marketThe Wood River Farmers’ Market is your go-to place for fresh, local, nutritious and handmade products. Direct purchase from our vendors builds our local economy. Get to know where your food comes from. The produce is fresh-picked that day or the day before it comes to you at the markets. We believe in providing nutritionally complete food that tastes fresh and sweet. Our products provide more value as they last longer than products shipped often thousands of miles before customer purchase.

Markets are Tuesday in Ketchum on 4th Street and Thursday in Hailey on Main Street next to Sturtos – both open from 2-6 p.m. through October 13. Come see us!

Bangles, Baubles and Beads

Lisa Horton makes beautiful, one-of-a-kind jewelry. Lisa re-imagines nature’s patterns and her hands transform them into human adornment in the form of necklaces, bracelets and earrings. Lisa sculpts powdered metals into unique, mixed-metal pieces of silver, bronze, copper and steel. She mixes leather with metal for the final product and also incorporates semiprecious stones for the final touch. Lisa has studied this form of art with knowledgeable mentors, has been creating jewelry for many years, and offers classes. Swing by, take a look, try some pieces on and take one home. Lisa participates in the Ketchum Farmers’ Market.

GMA Honeys Healing Salves

Twin sisters and Idaho women Lacie and Allie created a business after their mother discovered her passion for herbal healing. The women make their own version of a natural healing salve using herbs like comfrey, chamomile, calendula and yarrow. You can buy the salve in several sizes and with one of four of the essential oils, including peppermint, lavender, abundance or original scent to meet their customers’ particular preferences. Their salves are kid- and pet-friendly and the balm helps to heal dry skin, rashes, burns, diaper rash, and scrapes. Come sample and you are sure to be sold on their product. Allie and Lacie will be at the Hailey Farmers’ Market all season.