Hwy 20 in Picabo (208)788.3536
Hwy 20 in Picabo

The last week of muddy water is upon us. Stay patient, people!

Looking at the graphs this week, the flows are no longer making the big downward and upward swings. The graphs are now showing the flows adjusting with nighttime and daytime temperatures. This means the volume will begin to decrease at a slower pace, but the water should begin to clear rapidly.

Once again, when you decide to get out on our freestone streams, wear a tight wading belt, fish with a friend and PLEASE leave your dog at home. Every year dogs perish in the high flows of the Big Wood River. Don’t let yours be next.

Looking ahead to clear water, have your Green Drakes ready, as well as your Stimulators and your favorite dropper flies, like Copper Johns, Prince Nymphs, and Pheasant Tails. Try to find soft water in side channels and along the banks. The river is most likely going to fish best very low (south of Bellevue) and very high (north of Ketchum).

Silver Creek continues to fish very well. The afternoons are still where it’s at for the best hatches and most fish rising. PMDs, Callibaetis, Green Drakes, Blue Damsels, Baetis Spinners, Ants and Beetles are all important to your fly box.

Looking ahead, get your Trico selection in order. They are anywhere from two weeks to one month away. Baby hoppers are also starting to appear in good numbers, so be sure to add that fly box to your bag!

The South Fork of the Boise continues to baffle us, like always. Caddis are prolific at night, but not a lot of fish are eating them. The big foam flies will work one day, then not another. Salmon flies have yet to make a serious appearance, although this week that hatch should begin with some vigor. The best fly continues to be Salmon Fly Nymphs fished deep, or Copper John/Small Stone Nymph combinations, also fished deep.

Finally, the Little Wood should begin to fish soon, although right now the mosquitos in the vicinity are trying to compete for your blood and they are all winning! If you go when the water drops to fishable flows, be sure to target the middle of the day and bring bug spray and appropriate clothing! Green Drakes and Stimulators are the flies for this area, just scale everything back a size or two, including leader length and fly size.

Happy fishing, everyone