picabo angler
Hwy 20 in Picabo (208)788.3536

A massive hole has been left in the Sun Valley fly-fishing community. Dave Faltings, from Silver Creek Outfitters, passed after a hell of a fight against ALS.

Dave will be entered into fishing lore as a true legend – a guy that could bring steelhead to his dry fly while the rest of us tried to get a strike anyway we could.

If Dave met you, he knew you and remembered you each time he saw you – his prowess as a fly angler only being surpassed by his prowess as a kindhearted friend to many.

If you knew Dave, take some time this week to catch a fish in his honor, then sit quietly and reflect on how we can all be more like him. We may never get there, but people like Dave are rare, and anything we can do to emulate him will make us, and the people around us, better.

Silver Creek was loved dearly by Dave. If you go to fish this week, plan on cooler temperatures bringing the Baetis hatches and Spinner Falls to the forefront. Hot-weather bugs like the Green Drake, Callibaetis, and Blue Damsel may come into play, but it will be late afternoon before temps are right for these insects. PMD action should continue to show late in the day and some in the morning. Ants and Beetles are still hot patterns and should remain so for the better part of the summer.

Expect the action to move toward the Ant and away from the Beetle as summer progresses.

The Big Wood is dropping in a hurry and the cool temperatures this week should provide us a fishery. Plan on Stimulators with Prince Nymph droppers, or Colorado Green Drakes with Epoxy Back Green Drake droppers. If the water clears and stays clear, the Green Drake action should explode with the warm days forecast for Sunday and early next week.

The Upper Lost is following the same path as the Big Wood. Normally the Lost would clear after the Wood, but with the higher elevation and cold nights this week, we can probably plan on some fishing up there by week’s end.

The South Fork of the Boise should be coming on this week. Salmon Flies and Caddis are due on the river and the current Cicada situation looks very good. Midweek fishing will help you avoid the crowds on the weekend. If you have a strong skill set on the oars, start on the lower river. If not, stay up high.

Happy fishing, everyone!