Smart summer skincare

BY Dr. Matthew Reeck,
St. Luke’s Clinic – Dermatology

As it gets warmer, sunnier and the days get longer, we all want to be able to play outside. With a few simple steps, you can stay active while protecting your skin at the same time. Our friends “Down Under” figured this out 35 years ago with the simple phrase, “Slip, Slap, Slop” – slip on a shirt, slap on a hat, and slop on some sunscreen.

This three-word phrase and a catchy jingle sung by Sid the Seagull became a tremendously successful public health campaign in Australia. Sid the Seagull’s directions are a perfect way to approach the day. What kind of shirt? Try a long-sleeved, sun-protective one if you’ll be out in the full sun. What kind of hat? A wide-brimmed hat is where it’s at! Which sunscreen? SPF 30 lets you get down and dirty! Don’t forget to re-apply every 90 minutes for ongoing protection. Also, remember that your lips need protection, too. Lip balm with SPF is a must.

Finally, plan outdoor excursions for before 10 a.m. and after 2 p.m., and seek shade during the midday. Follow these simple steps and you’ll have a great time without sacrificing your skin!

Yearly skin examinations may be appropriate for some patients. If you have a personal history of non-melanoma skin cancer, being seen by a dermatologist at least once a year is recommended due to an increased risk that another non-melanoma skin cancer may appear. If you have had pre-cancers, called actinic keratoses, this is also recommended.

If you have a family history of melanoma in a first-degree family member, it is also recommended to have a whole-body skin exam, as this is one of the risk factors for melanoma.

Finally, if you have a history of melanoma, it is recommended to have skin examinations every 3-12 months depending on several factors, including how recent this was diagnosed. None of these should replace monthly self-examinations at home, which allow you to become more familiar with your skin and help raise awareness to changing lesions.

To make an appointment with Matthew Reeck, M.D., Steven Karassik, M.D., or Caroline Hobbs, N.P., at St. Luke’s Clinic – Dermatology, call (208) 725-2171.

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