Alternative School Budget Proposal Is Detrimental

The two trustees who advocated adding Syringa to the district have proposed a detrimental alternative budget. Your rational voice matters at the school district conversation on Thursday, June 2, at 6:30 p.m. at Hemingway Elementary.

 We can all agree that “Everything in the budget should support the students’ needs for success.” However, I am concerned that the alternative budget proposal is contrary to this goal.

 For example, it includes:

  • Reducing administrators’ salaries and benefits by 45 percent immediately. Blaine County administrators’ and teachers’ salaries are in line with other ski communities like ours. Even compared to similar districts in Idaho, they are compensated the same percent more for the higher living costs here. And, regardless of your opinion about current administrator salaries and benefits, this is an excessive sudden reduction in an individual’s income, and it could make hiring quality administrators in the future very difficult.
  • A risky renegotiation of a longstanding contract for Silverback software royalties with no increase in revenue. A renegotiation could actually result in lowering the revenues available to the district, and it is not worth the risk.
  • Paying for Mountain Rides passes for students. The school district already provides safe, supervised transportation for all students to and from their homes each day.

Please take the time to email where you stand on these issues, and attend the community conversation on June 2. Your voice matters.

Lara Stone

Blaine County resident

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