
Hwy 20 in Picabo (208)788.3536
Hwy 20 in Picabo

The Mahogany Duns have arrived. Sprinkle in prolific Callibaetis and Fall Baetis hatches and the best Hopper fishing in three years and you have the recipe for one great fall fishery on Silver Creek. The flows are as high as we’ve seen in a decade, the Creek looks healthy and clean, the brown trout are on the move prior to their spawning season, and BIG fish are being caught.

If you want to fish Silver Creek, plan on being on the water around 10 in the morning. You may even catch the remainder of the Trico activity as the late-emerging Duns are stuck to the water. This is easy pickings for fish and angler alike. The fishing lasts until dark and then it’s time for Mouse fishing. When the browns are moving upriver, they tend to eat everything in their path, making the fall the peak of the Mouse fishing season.

The Big Wood continues to impress, with Red Quills and Fall Baetis being complemented by excellent Hopper fishing. Expect this action to continue into mid-October and then sporadically into November. The October Caddis should be appearing soon north of Ketchum. This is a small hatch and an isolated one, but it can be very, very good.

The Upper Lost is not seeing a lot of insect activity right now, although that could change if the weather cools a bit more. The fishing is still good with small nymphs, Royal Trudes and Hoppers. The Lower Lost is Baetis central and any red-colored nymph when the hatches aren’t on. If you go to the Lost this week, keep in mind the road is closed from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the day as they attempt to cover some of those tire-popping rocks.

The South Fork of the Boise continues to rock and roll with Fall Baetis. The fishing is best in the late afternoon and often continues all the way into the dark evening hours. If you go, don’t get in a rush in the morning; take your time getting there and plan to stay late. Pack a lunch – and a dinner!

Right now everything is fishing great and the angler numbers are at a seasonal low. Take advantage of this and get out there on one of these spectacular fall days. Bring your camera and load your fly boxes. This is among the best two-week stretches of fishing you will find in the Sun Valley area all season.

Happy fishing, everyone!