Keep It Fresh At Farmers’ Markets In Ketchum and Hailey

Farmers’ Market Manager Kaz Thea poses at the market in Hailey. Photo courtesy of Hailey Chamber of Commerce


Farmers’ Market Manager Kaz Thea poses at the market in Hailey. Photo courtesy of Hailey Chamber of Commerce
Farmers’ Market Manager Kaz Thea poses at the market in Hailey. Photo courtesy of Hailey Chamber of Commerce

The Wood River Valley Farmers’ Markets have been serving the Valley every summer for the better part of two decades.

“I remember coming to these markets when they were called Earth Fairs,” remembers Lacey Hillman, owner of G’ma Honey’s Healing Salve. “My parents would bring my sister and me when they would set up their tent and sell homemade goods. I like that my sister and I have been able to carry on the tradition.”

Lacey and her sister, Allie May, are just one of the many great stories that come out of the Farmers’ Market every week from June to mid-October.

“One of my most favorite things about the Farmers’ Market every year is seeing the heightened sense of community among the vendors,” notes market manager Kaz Thea. “Many of the vendors have been doing this for many years and it’s really created a great spirit of cooperation. You’ll see vendors helping each other set up booths and working together to create a great experience for our visitors.”

Now in her 13th year as market manager, Kaz has seen the Farmers’ Markets in both Ketchum on Tuesdays and Hailey on Thursdays grow into their own.

“The two markets really do have their own personalities,” Kaz notes. “In Ketchum, the market is always held on a section of 4th Street that the city closes, and in Hailey it’s held on a nice grassy lot on Main Street. The thing they share is the family-friendly chance for residents and visitors to support our local farmers that work so hard to make this happen each week during the summer.”

And why do the Farmers’ Market vendors make this happen every week?

“When we were first getting started, it was a great way to get some exposure for our beers,” explains Kevin Jones, co-owner of local brewer, Sawtooth Brewery. “Now we’re here because we have regular clients that we look forward to seeing each week and, of course, having the exposure to the many visitors to our Valley is still a great benefit.”

“I think one of the greatest reasons for people to shop the Farmers’ Market each week is the direct access it provides to local producers,” Kaz adds. “Of course, we have the farmers with fresh fruits and veggies but we also have meat producers, makers of healthy products for the home and prepared foods like pasta dishes and desserts. Honestly, for me, having the farmers’ markets open each summer changes the way I eat because there’s so much more available. Knowing it’s sourced locally is important, too, because every dollar spent on locally-sourced products will get spent three more times in our community instead of leaving town.”

The Farmers’ Markets are held each Tuesday in Ketchum on 4th Street and on Thursdays in Hailey next to Washington Federal bank – both from 2–6 p.m. The markets will run through mid-October to bring available seasonal produce with tremendous diversity by mid-July when harvest season is in full swing.

Jeff Bacon is the Hailey Chamber of Commerce’s membership director. For more information, visit or call the Chamber at (208) 788-3484.