An Equal Opportunity in Education for All


I have spent most of my life in resort communities, coaching and supporting some of the best ski racers in the world. Resort communities are great places to live, work and play. There is something in common with all of them. To support all of the functions of a resort community, there is a diversity of workforce required. This diversity should be embraced and all children of this diverse community should have the opportunity to get the best possible education that Blaine County public schools have to offer.

The Blaine County School District reflects the growing shift in demographics of Blaine County while our Caucasian population declines, our Hispanic population continues to increase. In the State of Idaho, the Hispanic population is 11 percent. In Blaine County, it is 20 percent. In the Blaine County School District, it is 39 percent.

A fundamental principle of our democracy is public education. Public education is critical in keeping the American Dream alive and well. Blaine County School District has phenomenal resources to provide the most exceptional educational opportunities for all children. Currently,we experience an achievement gap that is unacceptable. There is a significant achievement gap between our Caucasian and Hispanic students. Both groups perform well above averageon the Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT). When district scores are not ranked highest in the state, this is a result of combining the scores of Hispanic and Caucasian students. It’s our job as trustees, administrators, and educators to ensure that all of the factors in our control open the doors of opportunity for every student, regardless of ethnicity.

As a trustee of the Blaine County School District, I have learned that there is a major emphasis to address this achievement gap. It begins with our incredibly dedicated and talented teachers.

It continues with communication and outreach led by our Spanish-speaking teachers and staff. Fundamental to this effort is our four subsidized preschools where children are given the boost they need for all-day kindergarten. This effort continues through elementary, middle and high school as we empower all students to challenge themselves in advanced academic classes.

While the district focuses on eliminating the achievement gap between Caucasian and Hispanic students, there are ways the community can help. If you employ Hispanic workers, encourage them to attend district meetings, parent-teacher conferences, and support their students in school. If you encounter students in our community, ask them what they are studying and use your own fully developed vocabulary during your conversation the more vocabulary words kids are exposed to, the better they will be prepared for rigorous classes. If you have time and want to volunteer, I encourage you to contact any of our school principals. Students need help reading, filling out college applications, and accessing resources outside of our schools. We are fortunate to currently have committed individuals in our community who have taken on a mentoring role with students. We are also fortunate to have organizations like the Wood River Y who partner with us to provide extra support for students. We are looking for more people and partners to give their time and effort to collaborate in eliminating the achievement gap that currently exists.

When I am on the mountain, I look down and choose my path. Starting at the top, I know where I am going to go and how I will get to the bottom. The district’s mission – to inspire, engage, educate and empower every student – is our course down the mountain. How we get there will require everyone: our students, parents, educators, administrators, and you, our community, to be engaged in this challenge. I invite you to join us as we set our sights on the elimination of this gap which will open doors of opportunity equally for all the students in our community. Academic success must not be predetermined by your ethnicity or ZIP code but, rather, by the ability to seize the opportunities currently available within the Blaine County School District. In this most extraordinary resort community, anything is possible if we all work together.

Rob Clayton

BCSD Board of Trustees