Citizen group wants reinstatement of Hispanic and special services liaisons


new group of Wood River Valley residents, using the name BCSD Students First, has started an online petition asking the Blaine County School District Board of Trustees to reject the district’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2017. The school board is scheduled to consider the proposed budget for adoption at its next regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 14.

The petition further asks the board to reinstate funding for the Latino Parents Liaison and Special Services Liaison positions and to fund the International Baccalaureate program, summer school, after-school programs and Mountain Rides Transportation Authority subsidies for student and staff bus rides. The petition also “demands” the elimination of the district’s Communications Department and a reduction in some administrative benefits and salaries.

In an interview, Susie Quesnel, a member of the fledgling organization, said the group was started following a town hall meeting held on May 23 by Trustee Cami Bustos.

“We are a growing community who wants to be heard,” Quesnel said. “We want the board to look at making cuts that are as far as possible removed from students.”

Quesnel said further that BCSD Students First does not have a set structure and there are no formal meetings. Most communications within the group are made via telephone calls and emails.

The petition is hosted at The petition went online on Friday, June 3, and by Monday afternoon had received 133 signatures.

Each time someone signs the petition, Clerk of the Board Amanda LaChance is notified by email.

Quesnel said the new organization is pleased by the initial response, but does not have a goal for the number of signatures desired.